Televangelist Mark Barclay’s son-in-law accused of criminal sexual conduct with person under 13

The Rev. James Randolph, a minister with Living Word International Church in Midland, Michigan, and the son-in-law of televangelist Mark Barclay of Mark Barclay Ministries, has been charged with several counts of criminal sexual conduct, including one allegedly involving a person younger than 13.
Randolph was arrested and charged Tuesday with first-degree criminal sexual conduct involving a relationship, four counts of second-degree criminal sexual conduct, and one count of accosting children for immoral purposes for crimes allegedly occurring in 2011, the Midland Daily News reported.
The televangelist’s son-in-law was arraigned Tuesday in Midland County District Court and is out of jail on a $500,000 cash bond. He will return to court for a probable cause hearing scheduled for 1 p.m. on Dec. 7.
In a statement to The Christian Post on Thursday, Josh Barclay, Mark Barclay’s son who also works with his ministry, said Randolph had been placed on administrative leave "pending the results of the criminal justice process."

“We are aware of the arrest of James Randolph, one of our ministers on staff, and the allegations against him,” Josh Barclay said. “Importantly, the allegations do not involve the church, and the alleged acts did not take place in the church.”
He further noted, "Living Word International Church takes seriously our responsibility to ensure the safety of our congregation, and we are committed to taking any necessary steps to protect the congregation and the church.”
The charges against Randolph come months after Brandon Saylor, 44, a volunteer with the church, was charged in July with six counts of criminal sexual conduct and three counts of accosting children for immoral purposes for crimes which allegedly took place in 2010. Saylor remains in custody on a $500,000 cash/surety bond.
The charges against Randolph also upends Mark Barclay’s family themed ministry.
“The Barclays serve God as a family team. His wife Vickie, daughter Dawn with her husband James, and son Josh with his wife Trish are all full-time in the ministry and flowing together with the Lord’s anointing,” the ministry declares on its website.
In 2013, Mark Barclay, who is known as the self-styled "Preacher of Righteousness," asked his followers for $79,000 to repaint a luxury jet he said "actually belongs" to the Lord.
"Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal; For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also," Barclay told his supporters in a letter seeking support for his jet paint fundraiser. "Please pray about any part God would have you do, for actually the airplane does belong to Him and not me and is used for His ministry and not personal use."
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