Mark Batterson: Let the Spirit Convict You to Go 'All In' for Jesus
So, ultimately, that's why I set my alarm early in the morning, that's why I write books, because I want to see people experience that one life-changing moment, that defining moment, that "all in" moment, if you will.
CP: You mentioned "Sacrificing Your Isaac," allowing your dreams to die so that God can make them truly successful. Are there other examples of this that didn't make it into your book or that you'd like to bring forward?
Batterson: Almost every dream I've ever had has had to go through a death and a resurrection. You almost have to give it back to God, so that then He can give it back to you. Whether it's church-planting or writing, a lot of my dreams have died. But isn't that the essence of what Christ calls us to?
If Jesus hung on his cross, we can certainly carry ours, and what Jesus was saying there is "you've got to die to yourself, but it's not until you die to self that you truly come alive" in the fullest sense of what Jesus meant when he said "I came that you might have life, and have it more abundantly." So that call to death is really a call to life, and of course, it's eternal life as well.
What a deal that God's put on the table! I think this book lays it out in no uncertain terms: the Gospel costs nothing, but it demands everything. When you give everything, you've sacrificed nothing. If you get back more than you gave up, you haven't really given up anything at all.
CP: Is there anything else you'd like to add? What's your grand vision for this whole project?
Batterson: What excites me is the thought of individuals just going all in. One of my favorite little statements in the book is a statement that D.L. Moody heard and it changed his life. "The world has yet to see what God can do through one person who is fully consecrated to Him." So if this book makes a difference in one person's life, it was worth writing.
Then I start to think about small groups going all in together and churches creating a culture where we're not going to water down the Gospel – we're not going to pull punches. When churches start doing that as a culture, so to speak, then there is a shift that takes place.
I start thinking about churches going all in… I believe that we have not seen our best days. Our best days are in front of us, and I'm not just talking about National Community Church – I believe that for the Church at large.
I believe there is another great awakening in our future and I'm going to keep hitting my knees, I'm going to keep writing books. I'm going to keep preaching, writing, believing that if we do what God has called us to do, then God is going to come through in amazing ways.
If we do what they did in the Bible, God's going to do what He did, and we're going to see a revival in our generation. That's my prayer – God, renew your deeds in our day. I think that's at the heart of what it means to go all in and all out for the All-in-All.