Mark Driscoll: 3 Types of Christians Jesus Might Turn Away

Arizona-based Trinity Church Pastor Mark Driscoll has listed three types of Christians that he warned might be turned away by Jesus for failing to properly trust in Him.
Driscoll made the argument on a blog post on his website, where he listed a warning found in Matthew 7:22–23, which reads:
"On that day many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?' And then will I declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.'"
Driscoll warned that some people who tend to be religious by nature seek to justify themselves in one of three false ways, which he listed as:
"First, loosely religious people assume they are living a good enough life and that no spiritual devotion or extra effort is required on their behalf for God to be pleased with them when they stand before God at the end of this life.
"Second, secular religious people work very hard at some social cause because they think that they're good people and need to overcome the evil of bad people who are ruining the world.
"Third, devoutly religious people work very hard at keeping the rules of a particular religion in an effort to justify themselves as good and obedient people in the sight of God."
Driscoll warned that people deluding themselves is a reality that will continue until Jesus returns, but reminded Christians that there is "no middle ground" when it comes to following Christ.
"People either will or will not respond to his words in faith. For those who respond, his words will lead to life, produce good fruit, and a sturdy foundation," he wrote.
"For those who don't, their path will lead to 'destruction,' they will be 'cut down and thrown into the fire,' and excluded from heaven. In Matthew 7:21–23, Jesus rebukes false disciples who assume their relationship with Jesus was based upon what they did for him rather than what he did for them."
In the rest of his message, the pastor warned against false prophets, and argued that on the day of Judgment, many will want to turn to Jesus and seek to prove how they have been good people, but it will not be enough.
Driscoll insisted that good works can not save people, but instead, Jesus has saved people so they can do good works.
"You cannot meet Jesus without changing. My point in this is not to give you a gavel by which to go around pronouncing judgment on others. But rather, for each of us to examine our own life to see if we have truly met Jesus and if so how he has changed us," he concluded.
Driscoll has faced controversy recently in his pastoral career, such as allegations of plagiarism, fraud, and fostering an abusive work environment at his former Mars Hill Church.
Protests against his ministry have followed him at Trinity Church as well, including on Easter Sunday in March when demonstrators held signs to warn Trinity congregants of their pastor's alleged misdeeds.
Driscoll continues actively engaging with the public, however, and posts sermons and blog posts on his website.