Mark Driscoll Warns That American Christians Are Not Free but Slaves

Arizona-based Trinity Church Pastor Mark Driscoll has warned American Christians on Independence Day that although people like to believe that they are free, there are still many things that they can be enslaved to.
"There are still many of us who are not free, to use the language of the Bible, we are slaves. Slaves to sin, slaves to self, slaves to the flesh. Slaves to lies, slaves to temptation," Driscoll said in a video message on Tuesday, reflecting on numerous passages in the Bible that use the language of slavery and freedom.
He focused especially on the story of God's people in Exodus, who were slaves under Pharaoh and were ruled over cruelly and mercilessly.
Even after they were freed from bondage and slavery in Egypt, Driscoll said, many of them kept a slave-like mindset and they continued to operate as spiritually enslaved.
"God has freed us from certain things, yet we still don't live free lives," he said about modern-day Christians as well.
The Trinity Church pastor said that many things can take the place of Pharaoh and rule over people's lives.
"This can include sex, alcohol, power, prestige, fame, the approval of another human being, our appearance, the appearance of our spouse or boyfriend or girlfriend; it could be the achievements of our children," he continued, warning that sometimes people can impose slavery upon themselves.
"It's not the people and things that we hate, it's the people and thing that we love," that could cause people to fall into slavery, he said.
He warned that even placing people that really matter, such as spouse and children, above God, would put people in a "very dangerous" place.
"Freedom is walking in God's will, and slavery is what happens when we walk in our will," the pastor offered.
"Who or what do you live for, who or what can you not live without?" he asked, noting that if the answer is anyone other than "Jesus," then people are walking on the wrong path.
Earlier in June, Driscoll came up with another list, this time warning Christians of signs that show that they are "spiritually dead."
"Christianity is not about laying upon people a burden of religious duties and moral obligations. It's based upon a relationship with Jesus. Christianity is not a religion of have-tos. It's a relationship with God where we get to do a lot of things. We get to hangout in relationship with God and other Christians," the pastor, who is trying to restart his ministry after being disgraced in a plagiarism and church leadership scandal, wrote at the time.
On Tuesday it was reported that The Trinity Church has purchased a permanent home just weeks before its official launch in Phoenix.
With the launch date set for Aug. 7, The Trinity Church announced that it secured the historic 1,400-seat Glass and Garden Church located at 8620 McDonald Drive, which is the same building in which it held its Easter 2016 gathering.