Methodist Pastors Gather to Study at Duke Divinity School
Annual summer Course of Study at Duke Divinity School(DDS) has drawn more than 170 United Methodist pastors to live, study and worship on the campus for the month of July.
The program is administered by the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry of the United Methodist Church in partnership with DDS through the Center for Continuing Education.
Pastors are required to attend the program for five summers to remain pastoral leaders in the local church. For elder ordination, a minimum of additional five years of study is required.
The curriculum includes various subjects such as Bible, theology, ethics, pastoral care, preaching, worship and evangelism, which are all taught by divinity school faculty, graduate students and area clergy.
Through Course of Study, DDS plans to train Methodist students who serve 450 churches of approximately 44,000 United Methodists across the country.