Mica Miller died from self-inflicted gunshot wound, medical examiner reveals
Sister claims Mica told family her husband would shoot her in the head, was stalking her

Updated at 10:57 p.m. ET, May 6: Mica Miller died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound, according to Robeson County Medical Examiner Dr. Richard Johnson, ABC 15 reported Monday evening.
Original report:
Two days before she was found dead with a gunshot wound on April 27, Mica Miller, the wife of Pastor John-Paul Miller of Solid Rock at Market Common in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, served her husband with divorce papers. She allegedly warned her family that if she was found fatally shot in the head, her husband should be blamed, according to claims made by her younger sister, Sierra Francis.
In a sworn affidavit shared on X by Protestia and filed as part of her application to serve as special administrator for her sister’s estate, Francis said Mica Miller, 30, had served her husband with divorce papers on April 25 and was looking forward to being free of him because she said he was abusive.
She further warned family members that if she was ever to be found “with a bullet in my head, it was not by me, it was JP,” Francis said in the affidavit, fingering her brother-in-law.
The affidavit, which was filed in Horry County’s Probate Court, comes as police in North Carolina continue to investigate Mica Miller’s death. Her husband insists he loved his wife, and despite all his care and support for her, she died by suicide because she suffered from serious mental illness with which she had been grappling for years.
Francis, in her affidavit, rejected the narrative presented by Pastor Miller at his church two Sundays ago.
“My sister was hopeful for her future after filing for divorce from John-Paul,” Francis wrote in the affidavit.
“My sister also expressed to me that she was fearful that she would not make it to the divorce and that her life would be taken from her. It is my belief, based on conversations with my sister, that she told multiple people, including other family members,” Francis explained.
“Mica stated to me on many occasions ‘if I end up with a bullet in my head, it was not by me, it was JP.’ Mica forwarded a family group text message notifying us that Mr. Miller was served the divorce papers on April 25, 2024,” Francis added. “On April 27, 2024, my sister, Mica A. Miller, was found dead as a result of a gunshot wound in Lumberton, North Carolina.”
In a separate affidavit supporting Francis’ application to serve as special administrator, Mica Miller’s brother, Nathaniel Francis, who was a member of Solid Rock at Market Common, said his late sister also confided in him about her marital struggles.
Nathaniel Francis noted in his affidavit that was also shared on X by Protestia, that he left Solid Rock at Market Common after several years there “due to the behaviors I observed.”
He said shortly before her death, Mica Miller reported to police that she was being viciously stalked by her estranged husband.
“Mica made several police reports over the last few weeks of her tires being slashed and tracking devices found on her car. In Mr. Miller’s email forwarded to me, he apologizes to Mica for the tires and causing damage to her vehicle,” Nathaniel Francis wrote.
“Mr. Miller’s email to my sister continued to state that he was angry when Mica confided or ‘put her family before’ him and that made him want to hurt her. In his words ‘when someone hurts me, I try to hurt them back rather than forgive.’ And instead of me forgiving you…I just attack and try to cause pain.’”
When contacted by The Christian Post for comment on Monday, the Rev. Charles Randall, Pastor Miller’s spiritual advisor and mentor, who previously told CP that the allegations against him were “lies,” did not respond.
A notice sent to church members on Sunday indicated that Pastor Miller had been released from all ministerial duties at the church "for a time of healing, counsel, and guidance, pursuant to our governing instrument,” according to ABC 15.
The Robeson County Sheriff's Office, which is investigating the death of Mica Miller, also did not provide any additional updates on her death Monday beyond that they are continuing their investigation.
Two reports from the Horry County Police Department dated March 11 confirmed suspicious stalking claims on that date, ABC 15 reported.
According to one of the reports, Mica Miller told police a razor blade had been placed in her tire at the Springmaid Pier. She said it was the second time she had experienced a tire being deflated in that manner in a week. The responding officer said the metal was a tire deflation device that could be bought online.
Mica Miller named a suspect in the report whose name was redacted. She also expressed concern that she was being watched or followed, but the police stated they didn’t have enough evidence to prove the suspect had placed the razor device under her tire.
The story, however, did not end there. Mica Miller was forced to call the police again later that same day while she was at the East Coast Honda dealership. She told police that after another officer helped her change her tire, she stopped at a gas station on her way to the dealership and was approached by the unidentified suspect. She indicated that she didn't wish to talk and attempted to record the suspect with her phone, but the suspect drove off.
Police further acknowledged that Miller informed them that a mechanic had found a tracking device on her car. While she was at a local court office to get a restraining order against the suspect, police reported that the suspect drove by slowly in a white Honda.
“Mica told me on numerous occasions that she feared John-Paul and just wanted to escape him,” Nathaniel Francis said in the affidavit shared by Protestia.
Sierra Francis explained that she and her sister spoke “every few days” and would meet in person “at least once a month.”
“I know my sister to have expressed the abuse and violence against her by her husband to others including family members and members of the church congregation,” she said. “Mica told me that there were people following her, keeping track of where she went. She thought that Mr. Miller hired people to follow her. Mr. Miller later confirmed this during a sermon I watched.”
Pastor Miller told CP last Friday that his wife was diagnosed with “bipolar II, schizophrenic and dependent personality disorder” and had struggled with mental illness for the entirety of their marriage, which began in 2017. He said she was being treated with lithium but did not always want to take her medication which made life difficult to the point where she would try to take her own life.
“I took care of her through every time she went to the mental institute. I took care of her every time she stopped taking her lithium. I would never expose this stuff of her if I didn't have to now, but every time she tried to kill herself, I would be there. I would literally sometimes pick her up physically, put her in the truck, take her to the [hospital],” Miller said with a slight crack in his voice.
Sierra Francis claimed in the affidavit, however, that Pastor Miller’s abuse of her sister contributed to her mental decline.
“In February 2024, Mr. Miller removed my sister’s personal items from the home they shared while she was admitted to Waccamaw Mental Health facility and left them at the apartment of Dianna Niosi. My sister was not aware that her personal possessions had been removed from her residence until she was released from the hospital,” Sierra Francis said in the affidavit.
“Prior to her admission to Waccamaw, Mica was gathering and sorting the evidence she had to bring to an attorney for filing for divorce, to support her claims against Mr. Miller, and as to his abuse, character, his paramours, and associates he ‘paid off’ or blackmailed,” she added.
“While at the facility, those documents, emails, files, etc., were removed from her phone, personal laptop, vehicle, and purse and never recovered. Further, Mica was unable to access her iCloud account, email, or Facebook profile. Mr. Miller continued using at least one of Mica’s accounts, causing any recipient to believe it was Mica’s communications.”
Sierra Francis said her sister had big plans to move to Kenya to do missionary work and get her life back after the divorce she was planning from Pastor Miller.
Pastor Miller told CP, however, that he has video evidence of his wife testifying to how she previously tried to shoot herself in the head.
Before the pastor could explain to CP last Friday how he believes his wife ended up dead in Lumber River State Park in Robeson County, he was advised by his attorney not to make any further public comments about her passing.
Contact: leonardo.blair@christianpost.com Follow Leonardo Blair on Twitter: @leoblair Follow Leonardo Blair on Facebook: LeoBlairChristianPost