Michael Todd lists 3 'costumes of contamination' that can 'poison' a Christian's calling

Megachurch Pastor Michael Todd advised Christians Sunday not to let "costumes of contamination" poison their words, attitudes, deeds or stop God's calling in their lives.
In a sermon preached at Tulsa, Oklahoma's Transformation Church, Todd said, "it only takes a drop of poison to contaminate your purpose."
The 35-year-old pastor warned of three "costumes of contamination," specific words, behaviors and attitudes people "put on" that can potentially lead Christians away from their God-given destinies.
The first "costume of contamination" he highlighted are "side comments" made by people trying to control the calling from God in "covert ways."
"People [who] have no actual opinion or investment in something, but they always have a side comment. They may be working in the spirit of contamination," Todd said, adding that "the people you love and trust" often make the "side comments."
Christians must "evaluate" the people close to them and be aware of their words because they might have malicious intentions, he stressed.
"It's like Job's wife seeing all the crap that Job was going through. And then, she gives the most deadly side comment of all, 'Why don't you just curse God and die,'" Todd said, citing Job 2:9.
The second "costume of contamination" comes in the form of "sarcastic concerns," according to Todd.
Those operating in the "spirit of contamination" through "sarcastic concerns" will typically try to learn personal things about someone to bring that person down behind their back.
"You want me to spill my guts about the issues we're going through so that you can go back to the water cooler and tell everybody where we at. You don't care about me," Todd said.
"But I'm telling you, people who always have sarcastic concerns, they may be working in the spirit of contamination. They're trying to find out things about you that they're going to at some moment use against you."
Todd warned that some with "sarcastic concerns" are trying to "rob a [Christian's] calling."
"That's what they'll do. They'll use everything they got. … They will tempt, manipulate, do what you like, be where you're at, lay where you lay … but their whole intent is to find out what can forfeit your calling," Todd warned.
Todd gave the biblical example of Delilah, who kept asking Samson the source of his strength, eventually finding out and using it against him.
The pastor's third "costume of contamination" is "cynical questions," or people who might judgmentally question a believer about why they do certain things to honor God.
"[People operating in this spirit will ask you], 'Did God really tell you to move to that city?' 'Are you really supposed to be giving in to that crazy faith offering?'… 'It just sounds crazy to me,'" Todd listed.
"They never ask you when you spend thousands of dollars on shoes and boats. They don't care when you take them to restaurants, and you eat steaks and shrimp," Todd preached.
"But, at the moment, you're doing something that goes against something that they think. [They start saying] cynical questions. Parents do this all the time. … 'You sure you're supposed to go to that college?' Name me one successful person who came from there.'"
The "spirit of contamination" began in the Garden of Eden, Todd said.
"What did Satan say to Adam and Eve? He didn't even say [anything]. He asked them a question. 'Did God really say? …' It was a cynical question that was the covert control of the only man and woman on the earth. … He did not even have to overthrow them or take over or conquer. All he had to do was contaminate. I don't know who I'm talking to today. But some of you have been cuffed to contamination," the pastor charged, referring to Genesis 3:1.
"And let me say it even more plainly, you've been cuffed to people who are committed to contaminating your calling."
Nicole Alcindor is a reporter for The Christian Post. She can be reached at: nicole.alcindor@christianpost.com.