Mighty Deeds and Empty Words
My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonsration of the Spirit's power, so that your faith might not rest on men's wisdom, but on God's power. (1 Corinthians 2:4-5 NIV)
Again, that world-shaking event, the crucifixion of Christ, is stated in four words, "There they crucified him." One shudders to think what fanfare and buildup such a stupendous event would require if written by the shallow novelists or dramatists of our day. To represent such a solemn event on the stage would cost thousands of dollars and would require enough words to fill a dozen pages of script. The reason for the difference is of course that the evangelists felt the crucifixion and instinctively spoke of it in few words.
To follow this thought further, it is only necessary to note the simple brevity of the announcement of our Lord's resurrection. The "young man" told the inquiring disciples the story in three words: "He is risen." These needed no eloquent preface to such a wondrous announcement. Where there have been mighty deeds, there need be no multitude of words to tell of them. Many words are required only where the deeds have been too feeble to speak for themselves.
Father, may our preachers and teachers prepare well in prayerful study and then present Your Word, trusting You to speak not their eloquent presentation.
Demonstration of God's power needs little verbal explanation. Powerless preaching, though eloquent, can entertain but cannot penetrate to the heart of the listener. Action speaks so much louder than empty words!
Used with Permission