
'Still much work ahead': Pro-life activists reflect two years after Roe v. Wade's reversal

Lila Rose, founder and president of the pro-life advocacy group Live Action, participates in the March for Life in Sacramento, California.
Lila Rose, founder and president of the pro-life advocacy group Live Action, participates in the March for Life in Sacramento, California. | Live Action

Lila Rose

In a statement shared with The Christian Post, Lila Rose, the pro-life activist who founded the advocacy group Live Action, declared that while the overturning of Roe v. Wade was "a historic victory," it "did not achieve justice for every child."

"Horrifically, we live in a nation where 2,800 children are killed every day by abortion," Rose said. "While we celebrate the overturn of Roe v. Wade, we mourn the devastating slaughter of innocent human lives happening every day in America and rededicate ourselves to the abolition of abortion." 

"Since Roe was overturned, we have seen tremendous progress, including 14 states that have protected most children from the lethal violence of abortion," she noted as she lamented that "many still die every day."

"Each of these children is a precious human being with an unrepeatable future deserving of the same protection under the law as any other person," she added, stressing, "Our Constitution guarantees this right to every individual." 

She contends that "when a society allows the strong to kill the weak and adults to kill children for their own convenience, pleasure, or any reason at all, we are in an active downward spiral of civilizational suicide." She vowed that the pro-life "movement is passionately committed and will not rest until we have abolished abortion and built a culture of life."

Rose indicated that as states like Florida, Missouri and South Dakota vote on efforts to enshrine abortion into their constitutions this November, "education on human development in the womb and the lethal violence of abortion is more important than ever, and Live Action will lead the way."

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Ryan Foley is a reporter for The Christian Post. He can be reached at:

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