Nabeel Qureshi Reveals 'Remarkable' Development in Battle With Stage 4 Cancer

Christian apologist Nabeel Qureshi says truly "remarkable" progress has been made in his battle against stage four stomach cancer, and believes God is in the midst of a two-step healing process.
Qureshi, a former Muslim-turned-Christian and author of the book, No God But One: Allah or Jesus? revealed shortly after his book was released in August that he was diagnosed with stomach cancer and his prognosis looked "grim."
In September, Qureshi posted a video update explaining that he had stage four stomach cancer and had a 4 percent chance of surviving five more years, and called on his friends, family and supporters to pray and fast on his behalf.
Last Thursday, Qureshi, who has undergone four rounds of chemotherapy, posted another video update on his Facebook page explaining the development that was uncovered in his most recent PET Scan.
"The scan came back and the impression was what has happened has been remarkable," Qureshi said. "The primary mass of the tumor, what was in my stomach, is now gone."
Qureshi said his stomach wall is still cancerous because there is "increased uptake in the glucose wall, which indicates some kind of cancer."
"But the physical mass that was there is gone," he assured. "That's a matter of huge rejoicing."
Although the cancerous lymph nodes that were near Qureshi's stomach are no longer problematic, Qureshi said there is still one "concerning" lymph node away from the stomach that is still considered "actively cancerous." However, that lymph node has decreased in size and glucose uptake.
"To make a long story short, some things have been totally healed and the rest has been partially healed," Qureshi explained. "There is no new tumor."
Qureshi said that he believes God is in the middle of a two-step healing process, just like how Jesus healed the blind man in Mark 8:22.
"The first verse that came to my mind when I saw the scan results, that is the section starting in Mark 8:22, which talks about a blind man who is brought to Jesus and Jesus spits on his eyes and says, 'Can you seen anything?' And the blind man says, 'I see people, like trees, walking around,'" Qureshi recited. "Then Jesus finishes his healing after laying hands on him and the man looks around and he is able to see everything clearly."
"The two-step healing I think is symbolic and very interesting to ponder on," Qureshi added. "I think I am in the middle of a two-step healing right now."
Although Qureshi rejoices in the news that the tumor is gone, he emphasized the importance of continuing to pray and fast.
"This is a time to rejoice but to get back at it, to the next round of praying to the Lord and asking for healing," he said.