Navigators to Hold Seminar for Twenty-year-olds
On May 22, TwentySomeone: Finding Yourself in a Decade of Transition Seminar, a one-day event for young adults in their twenties, will take place at Holiday Inn University Park in Fort Collins, Co. The seminar, sponsored by The Navigators, will pose some very important questions to twenty-year-olds about their future and teach them the plan God has for their lives.
Craig Dunham, director of programs and marketing for the Glen Eyrie Group, the camping/conference ministry of The Navigators, will be speaking alongside with Doug Serven, who co-authored the book that the seminar will be based on.
The Schedule for the seminar is as follow:
8:30 Registration Opens
9:00 Welcome / Intros / Why are you here?
9:30 The Question of Our Twenties - Who am I?
10:30 Break
11:30 Worksheet on primary and secondary callings
12:00 Lunch / Sharing of worksheets
1:00 Character Discussion(humility, integrity, teachability, faithfulness)
2:00 Break
2:15 Worldview Discussion(time, money, relationships, community)
3:45 Break
4:00 Legacy: Rethinking Accomplishment and Success
5:00 Depart