
NBA 2016-17 Season News and Updates: LA Lakers in Last Minute Roster Shakedown; Yi Jianlian in the Radar, Is He Worth a Second Chance?

The Los Angeles Lakers is on the final stretch for its contract negotiation with Chinese star Yi Jianlian. Sources revealed that there is a standing $3 million offer from Guangdong Southern Tigers for Yi's contract renewal. Although it seems that Lakers option is given a higher consideration for Yi.

Ups and downs

Yi had success during his rookie year with the Bucks in 2007-2008. He had attained a double figure average in PPG while grabbing nine from the rim. Compatriot and then Houston Rockets center Yao Ming even praised Yi by saying that he performed better as a starter.

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Yi's NBA stint declined the following year after being traded to the New Jersey Nets due to several injuries. To add up, coach Lawrence Frank is unwilling to take accountability should Yi miss too many shots. Frank is also reluctant in making him a team starter. Although missing 30 games, the 7-foot starter left Nets with 12 points PG on 40 percent accuracy.

Further downs

The tragedy began with a trade to the Washington Wizards. Yi finished an exact one-year stint from June 2010 to June 2011 with a depressing 5.6 points per game. The biggest drawback for the Wizards was its failure to effectively protect the rim with just 3.9 rebounds per game when Yi was in center position.

The Chinese star obtained another chance last 2012 when he signed for Dallas Mavericks as a starter for the D-Leagued affiliate squad Texas Legends. He performed two stellar games with the Legends and sported a double-double 23 points per game and 12 rebounds. Mavs took the performance as a sign to call Yi to the squad. Just in time for the playoffs against the Oklahoma City Thunder. The game became Yi's first and last NBA playoffs with just 2 points during a five-minute break.

Career Resurgence

Yi returned to the spotlight after four years of absence in the NBA by pulling good stats in the Chinese Basketball Association. Yi became the biggest free agent in China. His last season average was 26.4 points per game, 9.2 RPG and capping 2.1 assists.

In a different note, 2016 Rio Games became an advertising stunt for Yi while playing for China's national squad. China suffered defeat in all five games during the group stage A where they faced powerhouse teams like USA and Venezuela. However, events catapulted Yi as the central figure that the squad depended on, catching the attention of the NBA again.

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