Netflix series introduces trans character in kids' show 'Baby-Sitters Club'

A new Netflix series for children features a transgender character, in what some say amounts to propaganda that deliberately confuses kids.
"The Baby-Sitters Club" is based on the popular collection of Scholastic books and is rated G. The stories center around a group of adolescent girls who start a babysitting business. In the fourth episode of the series, one of the five babysitters, Mary Anne, is asked to care for a child named Bailey, who presented as a girl but was biologically male, reports say.
“Those are my old clothes,” Bailey tells Mary Anne in one scene.
Mary Anne subsequently informs viewers: “That's when I understood: Bailey was a little girl and her new clothes help people see it.”
Moments after Mary Anne realizes Bailey is a boy, the episode pivots, showing Mary Anne speaking with a friend, Dawn, whose father is homosexual and compares being transgender to being right or left-handed.
“[I]f someone tried to make you do everything with your left hand, it would be super-weird right?” Dawn explains to Bailey.
Dawn continues: “That's how Bailey feels. The same way that you know that you’re right-handed, Bailey knows she's a girl … We all want our outsides to match our insides.”
The series is listed in Netflix's most popular titles and is available on children's profiles.
"It is bad enough when the entertainment media seek to indoctrinate adults into believing the falsehood that biological males can actually be, or become, female, and vice versa. But when they subject children to the same indoctrination, it is unconscionable," said Peter Sprigg, senior fellow for policy studies at the Family Research Council in Washington, D.C., in an email to The Christian Post Monday.
"I might believe an episode like the one featured in 'The Baby-Sitters Club' had an educational function if it talked about the psychological problems that accompany or give rise to gender dysphoria, or if it warned of the negative health effects of puberty-blocking drugs, wrong-sex hormones, and gender reassignment surgery. Without that information, it’s nothing but propaganda — dangerous propaganda.
"The fact that such a show is rated TV-G shows that parents cannot trust the rating system to protect their children from inappropriate content."
Writing in The Stream Sunday, commentator Jonathon Van Maren noted that LGBT advocates have effectively colonized children's entertainment and they are particularly adept at telling compelling narratives that influence impressionable minds.
“'Kid-friendly' and 'safe for children' means something very different in 2020 than it did a decade ago," Van Maren observed.
"Storytelling is powerful. Unless we want storytellers who despise Christianity telling stories to our kids, parents need to select them very carefully."