New movie follows heroic mission of Free Burma Rangers as they help war-torn areas in Jesus' name

The remarkable humanitarian services provided in war-torn areas by David Eubank and his rangers can now be seen on the big screen in the riveting documentary, “Free Burma Rangers.”
“Free Burma Rangers” will be in theaters Monday and Tuesday through Fantom Events and is being released in partnership with LifeWay Films and Deidox Films. The film follows the valiant Eubank family and the army of rangers/missionaries they’ve rallied to help people in war-torn regions of the world. The raw and inspiring movie truly illustrates Christianity in action.
David Eubank, who grew up as a missionary child, is a former U.S. Army Special Forces and Ranger officer turned life-risking aid worker who carries the words of the Bible in his heart and a rifle in his hand when out on his rescue missions. Unlike most people, Eubank and his thousands of trained rangers run toward the sound of gunfire and bombs when out doing what he believes God called him to.
The documentary follows the gripping story of the Free Burma Rangers led by Eubank, along with his wife Karen along with their children as they strive to deliver the Gospel alongside food and medicine in the most dangerous parts of the world, such as Burma (Myanmar), Iraq and Syria.
According to their website, Free Burma Rangers have helped 1.5 million displaced persons to date who would have otherwise died.
Eubank's mantra is that “love is the antidote to evil.” The following is an edited transcript of The Christian Post's interview with Eubank who describes the heartbeat behind his mission and God’s providential protection.
Christian Post: If you could define Free Burma Rangers so the rest of the world could understand it, how would you describe it?
Eubank: We are a humanitarian relief group motivated by love to help people under attack and oppression. We go where we are invited to help people and put a light on what is happening.
I am motivated by what Jesus does for me and want to share His love and encourage people to follow Him. We are not to be led by comfort, fear or pride, but go in the love God gives us. We go into areas of direct combat to save lives and share love.
CP: Your life's mission has been a true example of walking in faith. How have you encouraged yourself to trust God in all things?
Eubank: By prayer and choosing to follow God no matter what. [It’s] mostly by the supernatural power of Jesus I have experienced that enables me, as weak, sinful and foolish, as I sometimes am, to do good when I could not. I see God’s way works and mine doesn’t. I have experienced the transforming power of Jesus in myself and others and this builds my faith. I am carried not so much by my faith but by His grace.
CP: You've been on the front lines and have seen the power of forgiveness, prayer, and supernatural protection in action. Can you talk about witnessing the hand of God at work?
Eubank: All the time, from my heart changing, to others' hearts changing, to miracles in combat and doors opened. Impossibly being freed from capture, escape from death, our children healed in the jungle, people who have given their lives to Jesus who before were Muslims and atheist.
CP: You've lost a lot of people and have seen a lot of evil, how do you keep going when your spirit is broken?
Eubank: I pray, I cry, and God refills me and gives me love, faith, strength and hope and I go again in His power.
CP: In the film, you talk about the difference between justice and vengeance and the fine line between the two reactions. Can you share your experience with that?

Eubank: [In 2017] we were providing medical and food support for displaced people as we move with the Iraqi Army and Iraqi militia on the west side of Mosul. As we carefully approached, a family emerged fearfully and the father greeted us in English.
We told them that they had nothing to fear and that we came to help. I said I was an American and that we loved their people. I asked if I could pray to God for and with them and the father agreed. I prayed in Jesus’ name for good things and a new life for them.
The children, who were afraid at first, began to smile shyly. We talked with them and made friends and gave them some food. It was a bright spot in our day and we all were happy. To me, this felt like God’s will being done on Earth as it is in Heaven and that we were blessed to be a part of it.
We then walked back up the hill and the family got onto their tractor and trailer and began to drive off. They only made it a few hundred yards before they hit a landmine ISIS had laid. There was a big explosion and screams as the family was thrown off the tractor. We raced down the mountain to help. We all went to work, praying and treating the wounded.
As we treated the casualties, I noticed one of the Iraqi medics doing CPR on the youngest child, a girl about 3 years old. I went over to help but she died. I prayed and asked God to heal her. I thought, “My prayers must not be very effective and my faith is weak, but what else can I do?”
Our Land Cruiser ambulance drove down the hill to evacuate the wounded and we put the lifeless little girl in with her badly-wounded mother and the rest of the family. They were all crying. As we walked up the hill, I turned to Monkey, our team pastor, and said, “That is why ISIS must be stopped. That is why people need to fight them. We pray their hearts will change but if not, they should die.”
That night, as I went to sleep, I asked God to show me His truth on all this. The next day I was up before dawn and prayed and read my Bible. I got the same message and meaning in every reading, “Vengeance is mine says the Lord, I will repay.”
I confessed to God that I wanted to exact vengeance and gave that up to Him. I felt suddenly free and light. I was still sad, but I was free. Free to love, free to pray, free to fight if and when God directed, free to heal, free to keep going, and free from the false duty of vengeance.
The things of this world are fatal but they are not final. We can be sad and live well. I believe we will see that little girl in Heaven. Until then, in spite of those who will do evil, we can walk with God so that His will is done on Earth as it is in Heaven.
CP: How can people link arms with you?
Eubank: Prayer, praying for us and the people we serve. [They can also] ask their representatives to take action to help the oppressed, [As well as] pray about sending funds and volunteer with us.
CP: What do you want people to take with them after watching, "Free Burma Rangers"?
Eubank: Jesus is real and saves us. Jesus can be depended on. Go for it in life and do not settle for less. Put on all God's armor and tell Him you give up all and will do anything, and then obey at all costs. Live in love and its result will be boldness. Don’t be led by fear or pride or comfort. Nothing is impossible with God and He uses all of us. It adds to the beauty of life.