New Plagiarism Allegation Leveled Against Prominent Christian Counselor, Trump Adviser Tim Clinton

Another allegation of plagiarism has been leveled against Tim Clinton, the head of the 50,000-member American Association of Christian Counselors.
Grove City College psychology professor Warren Throckmorton, a blogger who has previously posted other allegations against Clinton, posted more evidence on Wednesday.
In his latest post, Throckmorton explained that Professor Aaron New of Central Baptist College had directed his attention to another possible citation issue, this time in AACC's publication Christian Counseling Today.
New told The Christian Post on Thursday that in an article titled "Judicial Tyranny and the Loss of Self-Government," Clinton apparently included significant portions from two other sources, specifically a piece by Chuck Colson and another by Pete du Pont.
"If plagiarism is passing off someone else's work as if it were your own, then there certainly seems to be a problem here," said New.
"Tim Clinton's name is on the article. And there is no reference to either of the other sources. Without any other explanation from Clinton or the editors of Christian Counseling Today, it appears to meet the criteria for plagiarism."
Both New and Throckmorton directed CP to the latter's blog post, which compared passages from Clinton's work to the pieces by Colson and du Pont.
"The first page is clean as far as I can tell. However, when he begins to write about filibusters and the Democrats on page two, Chuck Colson and Pete DuPont enter in," wrote Throckmorton.
Jimmy Queen, spokesperson for Clinton, sent a statement to CP on Thursday stating that, in keeping with previous statements, the alleged misconduct stemmed from a former colleague.
"Dr. Clinton has a zero tolerance policy for plagiarism. Over the course of his thirty year career, he has published thousands-upon-thousands of pages of material, some of which benefited from the assistance of research associates and/or graduate students," stated Queen.
"Dr. Clinton once employed a particular associate whose work did not meet the organization's standards. The employee was terminated but we are still discovering some of that work, and intend on correcting it when we do."
Last week, Throckmorton posted a blog entry accusing Clinton of engaging in academic misconduct, including apparent examples of plagiarism.
In updates added to his original blog entry, Throckmorton noted that many of the various articles he cited as examples of potential plagiarism had been removed.
"Since I posted this information, Dr. Clinton or someone acting for him has deleted most of the articles referred to below. Archived copies of those articles exist and I have added links," wrote Throckmorton in an Aug. 10 update.
Clinton is a prominent figure in evangelical Christian circles, being a member of President Donald Trump's Faith Advisory Board and seen by many as a potential successor to Family Talk radio host James Dobson.
"Although I am in excellent health, wisdom would dictate that we bring an associate into the ministry to serve as a backup and possible successor to serve in unforeseen circumstances. Family Talk is growing rapidly and the response by the Christian public has been very gratifying," stated Dobson in May.
"This is why we are extremely pleased by the addition of Dr. Tim Clinton, and we are very optimistic about the future of this outreach."