New Syfy Show 'Krypton' to Feature Superman's Family Origins
The origin story of Superman is common knowledge in American pop culture. However, what is not widely known is the history of Superman's Kyrptonian family. This will all change with the upcoming show on Syfy called "Krypton."
"Krypton" will be written by long-time comic and movie writer David Goyer, who was also a part of the writing team for DC's "Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice." While that may be a good or bad thing considering who you ask, "Krypton" is set to put a new spin on old characters and introduce new ones as well.
The El Family
Superman's Kryptonian name is Kal-El and he is the last living son of the El family. For those who are not familiar, the El family is one of the noble houses of Krypton. However, there was a time where the family was disgraced, and "Krypton" will be sure to show that.
The members of Superman's family to be featured in the show is Seg-El, Superman's grandfather. He will be the protagonist of the show. Described as a Kyrptonian in his 20s, his look will be vastly different from that of his lone comic appearance in Starman #51.
Also included is Val-El, Seg-El's grandfather and Superman's great-great grandfather, who is credited of defying death by flying into the Phantom Zone, and Ter-El, Seg-El's father and Superman's great grandfather.
The Zod Family
Those who are familiar with the El family are also familiar with the Zod family. The Zod family in current time is survived by General Zod, also known as Dru-Zod, a warlord from Krypton's last days. He survived the destruction of the planet since he was imprisoned in the Negative Zone during the time.
However, the Zod family is not necessarily evil and it is difficult to judge them based only on one of its members.
Several ancestors of Dru-Zod will be making an appearance in "Krypton" as well such as Lyta Zod, a beautiful but reluctant warrior who is believed to be a direct ancestor to Dru-Zod, and Alura-Zod, Lyta's mother who bares the same name as Supergirl's mother (perhaps there is a reason for that).
As of this time, no male family members of the Zod family have been revealed. However, it should be known that the Zod family will not play the antagonists for the show. They will just show a different view of the events that lead up to the pilot episode of as well as for events that occur during the show's run.
Currently there has been no word from Syfy about casting or a release date for "Krypton" so stay tuned for more news about the Els and Zods.