News Anchor Ends Broadcast With a Prayer
Maybe it was an example of a Freudian slip. Maybe it was an example of the Holy Spirit moving in mysterious ways among us mortals.
Either way, one news anchor accidentally ended a normal everyday broadcast in a way that seemed to be more indicative of worship service than a newscast.
Morning news anchor Chris Quimby of VS-TV was signing off as he undoubtedly does on a regular basis when his words became religious.
Thanking viewers for beginning the week with their broadcast, Quimby said: "In Jesus Name" as with a prayer and then, realizing the verbal slip, added an Amen.
Posted to the social media video sharing site GodTube two weeks ago, the video has gotten over 61,000 views.
News Anchor Blooper: In Jesus's Name, Amen from christopherquimby on GodTube.