
OB-GYN on Planned Parenthood Videos: As They Violate Medical Ethics, We Can Overcome Evil With Good

The Bible tells us that we can understand many of God's attributes by observing nature and all that has been created. Please consider some rather simple and easily understood observations.

Did you know that there is no such thing as cold? Cold is really the natural state of things in the absence of something. When an object is cold, it lacks heat. Heat is a real thing. Heat is a form of energy, without which things are cold.

Darkness is not a real thing in itself. Darkness is the natural state of things in the absence of light. Cold and dark are not necessarily the opposites of heat and light – they are descriptions of the natural state of things in the absence of heat and light.

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Few moral people disagree when we say, Planned Parenthood's actions are evil. Consider this question: is evil a real thing? Or is evil simply the natural state of things in the absence of good? And what is the ultimate source of good in the world. The answer, of course, is God Himself.

Next we must ask ourselves, Why is goodness so increasingly absent from our society? Because we have been silent for too long. We have not been effective salt and light. How do we overcome the evil? Much like we overcome a cold room when we turn on the heater, and we banish darkness when we turn on the lights – we overcome evil by applying goodness.

The Church can no longer be silent or passive on this issue, nor can its members. The natural state of things in our fallen world has become more dominant, because the Church and our people have been silent and ineffective.

How do we use our voices on this matter? Here are six practical, effective steps each of us can take.

1 We pray. You can talk to our Father anywhere, anytime. Perhaps God is calling you to go one step further, and join those who pray in front of abortion centers.

2 We speak truth from the pulpit without hesitation and without consideration of reprisal – because we teach the whole counsel of God's Word.

3 We involve ourselves in the community, perhaps advancing adoption and foster care in our churches.

4 We continue to speak truth about the injustice of abortion using whatever means at our disposal – especially social media. We cannot let these revelations result in nothing; if we do, what worse things will be required to touch the hearts of the people?

5 We involve ourselves in the political process. Find the names and office phone numbers of your particular members of the House of Representatives and the Senate and call them. Express your heartbreak over what has been revealed about Planned Parenthood's practices. Let them know that you expect Congress to defund this organization; a Senate vote on S. 1881 to prohibit federal funds going to Planned Parenthood is expected next week. Get friends and family members to contact Congress as well.

6 We pray for those involved in the abortion industry – especially people in positions of authority like Dr. Nucatola, Dr. Gatter and Cecile Richards. We serve a God who can change hearts and transform lives. Some of the most effective pro-life advocates and activists are those who have come out of the abortion industry.

When there is an absence of good, evil is the natural state of things – like what we have seen from Planned Parenthood in these recent revelations.

God has instructed us to apply goodness to our society and the world around us by being salt and light. Let us all take this responsibility seriously.

Reprinted with permission from Bound4LIFE.

Brent Boles, MD has been practicing medicine for two decades as an OB-GYN in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. He is a contributor to Bound4LIFE International, a faith-based pro-life group

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