Obama Note to 11-Year-Old Excuses Him From School
After missing a day in school to attend one of President Barack Obama's speeches, a fifth-grader has received a handwritten excuse note from the president to hand in to his teachers.
On June 1 Tyler Sullivan decided to skip school to hear Obama's speech at Honeywell in Golden Valley. After nabbing a front-row seat not only did Sullivan get to meet and shake the president's hand but he also received an absence note from Barack Obama.
The note reads, "Mr. Ackerman -- Please excuse Tyler... he was with me!" followed by the president's signature.
According to an interview with KARE 11, the 11-year-old explained how President Obama had asked him about missing a school day, and then how he took it upon himself to write the note on a presidential pad of paper for the student.
Tyler described the happy encounter to the network: "I said, 'Hi President, 'and then he started asking me questions and he was like, 'Oh, you must be out of school then?'"
He confessed that when he returns to class on Monday morning he will be sure to use the opportunity to show off his "executive excuse" to his classmates. However, he also plans to use the letter from the most powerful man in the world as a legitimate excuse to explain his absence to his teacher, Mr. Ackerman.