'October Baby' Actress Shares Real-Life Journey Through Addiction, Abortion in 'Beautifully Flawed'

Actress Shari Rigby who starred in the hit film "October Baby" is opening up about her own life story in the new book, Beautifully Flawed, which will be available in stores on Monday.
Rigby, who's also a motivational speaker, reveals her tumultuous journey from teen marriage, pregnancy, adultery and drug use to her Christian faith. The author also delves into her career in Hollywood with Beautifully Flawed: Finding Your Radiance in the Imperfections of Your Life, including the powerful role as the mother of an abortion survivor in 2011's "October Baby." The part brought Rigby full circle since the actress herself had an abortion at a young age, proving that God transforms our mistakes into new purpose and beauty.
"This book is about the journey that we go on and how the Lord absolutely uses everything to his glory," Rigby told The Christian Post. So many times we look at our lives and we see things that are flawed, we are ashamed and can't speak about them. I was transparent about my story, from little girl on all the way up through speaking career that last few years.
The "Booneville Redemption" star takes readers through her teenage pregnancy, marriage, adultery, drugs and rock-n-roll lifestyle to a career woman desperate for love in all the wrong places. Today though, Rigby is able to recall her past as a mature Christian, offering a past of pain but with new hope.
"The book basically ends with the message that God redeems us and restores us," Rigby continued. "As long as He calls us and we say, 'yes,' He can do anything with that story that He feels fit. And in our flaws He makes us perfect. I just thought this is a really cool way to present itself, my life was crazy but God took everything and used for His glory and I get to share it, and people hold the same things back. It's an expression just to say: 'Learn to appreciate your flaws and love yourself,' instead of being held captive by them."
Beautifully Flawed is available through BroadStreet Publishing at stores where Christian media is sold on March 2. In addition to an acting and speaking career, Rigby founded The Women in My World, a women's group focusing on identity, purpose, ministry and living life in Hollywood. Learn more about the organization here.