'October Baby' Star Rachel Hendrix Talks New Faith-Based Film 'The Perfect Wave'

Rachel Hendrix, who starred in 2011's "October Baby," is taking on another inspirational role in "The Perfect Wave" which hits theaters next month.
The brand new faith-based film tells the true story of Pastor Ian McCormack, who grew up surfing in Australia before a life-changing event led him to Jesus. Hendrix stars in "The Perfect Wave" opposite of Scott Eastwood, the son of Hollywood great Clint Eastwood, as well as Cheryl Ladd, among many more.
In "The Perfect Wave," Ian (portrayed by Eastwood) yearns for adventure and sets out on a trip with his best friend in order to surf the world's best waves from Australia to Africa in search of the "perfect wave." However, after falling in love with Annabelle (Hendrix), Ian is led to the African island of Mauritius where his life changes forever. During a fateful evening swim, Ian is stung multiple times by boxy jellyfish whose infamous venom can kill after just one sting. After being pronounced dead at the hospital, Ian miraculously awakens fully transformed and with a new understanding of life and Jesus Christ.
Ahead of the film's July 11 release to select theaters, Hendrix explained that several moviegoers can relate Ian's real-life struggle, as depicted in "The Perfect Wave."
"I think anybody who loves being outdoors or loves seeing the ocean, and anybody who can identify with that lifestyle of chasing the next rush will enjoy this movie," the actress explained. "I do that - as a believer - I move from one extreme to another in order to wrap myself up and enjoy as much beauty as possible. I like to enjoy that part of life and that gift we have been given, that we can enjoy the beauty of creation, that we are meant to enjoy it and that it's made for us to enjoy.
"But I do think that people get too wrapped up in moving from the next thing to the next and can't be still in the in between times, which is when God speaks the loudest," she added. "I think that this movie will resonate with people who need to take a second and stop and take a look at their life and ask what is my purpose, what am I living for?"
Hendrix portrayed the lead character Hannah in Andrew and Jon Erwin's award-winning "October Baby," and similar to that project, the actress revealed that prayer was also a mainstay on the set of "A Perfect Wave." In another similarity to "October Baby," Hendrix explained "A Perfect Wave" also delivers a strong Christian message to audiences.
"I think God's voice is the loudest in the quiet times, when we are being tested and shaped, not when we're on the mountain top, but usually in the dessert," the actress told CP. "Ian, played so well by Scott Eastwood, keeps moving from one thing to next -- pleasurable things that we are designed to enjoy but doing in it a way that is hurting him and not glorifying anyone but himself. I hope people walk away thinking, 'What am I here for, what is my purpose?' The amount of grace in the film draws us in and speaks truth to us."
Hendrix, who is also working on short films such as "Grape Soda" among many more projects, cited her faith as a guiding light to her career.
"I've been really blessed to be able to choose only projects that have good writing and what I believe in," said Hendrix. "It has to be a project I can get behind, and perform and tell the most accurate and true story."
When asked what advice she would give to someone struggling with life like Ian had in "A Perfect Wave," Hendrix quoted C.S. Lewis: "If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world."
"Keeping that in mind - that so much is about what we think is important is fleeting," Hendrix explained to CP. "It disappears. What is real is knowing that we are born for a reason and finding out what that reason is. ... You are unique and designed for a purpose. Until you find out what that is, you can't live to fullest potential that God designed you for. I think that's what happened to Ian - Jesus so clearly spoke to him, and he lives the rest of his life living out that purpose- and it's a perfect example."
"The Perfect Wave" hits select theaters on July 11 in cities including Jacksonville, Fl., Washington, D.C., and London, Kentucky, among many more. Watch the trailer here.