Oklahoma Megachurch LifeChurch.tv May Launch New Campus in Kansas

One of the largest churches in America, Oklahoma-based LifeChurch.tv, is looking to possibly add another campus in Johnson County, Kansas to its multi-campus system.
Life Covenant Church, Inc. of Edmond, more commonly known by the name LifeChurch.tv, has recently purchased approximately 15 acres in Overland Park. The church purchased the property for an estimated $3.95 million but has not made a final decision as to the land's usage, according to Rob Roberts of the Kansas City Business Journal.
"Point Commercial LLC of Overland Park previously proposed a retail development focused on family entertainment and sports at the site," reported Roberts.
"But the city of Overland Park won't be reaping the mega sales tax dollars that development might have generated if the Oklahoma-based megachurch follows through with its plans for the site."
The Christian Post reached out to Life Covenant Church, Inc. of Edmond, Oklahoma, however no comment was given by press time.
In an email sent to Roberts of the Business Journal by LifeChurch.tv spokesperson Lori Bailey last Friday, plans for the land is still pending.
"At this point we don't have anything to announce, but we'll be sure to let you know when/if we do," wrote Bailey to Roberts. "We did acquire that property as a potential location for a new LifeChurch.tv campus but have not made an official decision yet."
Founded in 1996, LifeChurch.tv is headed by Senior Pastor Craig Groeschel.
"Our mission is to lead people to become fully devoted followers of Christ. That's how we're able to make a difference, and it's the driving force behind everything we do," reads the "Who We Are" section of the church's website.
"A church isn't a building—it's the people. We meet in locations around the United States and globally online. No matter where you join us, we think you'll find friendly people who are excited to get to know you!"
LifeChurch.tv has campuses in Florida, New York, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Texas, as well as one campus already in the state of Kansas in Witchita.
News of the possible campus expansion comes after it was recently revealed that a scammer claiming to be Pastor Groeschel was using Facebook to con money out of people by claiming to need money to help an orphanage in Africa.
"Though neither Craig Groeschel or LifeChurch.tv have had any of our social media accounts hacked, people unfortunately continue to create fake accounts impersonating Craig and other pastors," said the megachurch in a statement released earlier this month.
"We work with Facebook to remove the fake accounts, and they have designated Craig's official account as verified. Under no circumstances would Craig or any LifeChurch.tv pastor ask for donations via private Facebook messages."