Oklahoma Pastor Running for Governor Says He Wants to 'Abolish Human Abortion'

A pastor and former member of the Oklahoma House of Representative who is running for governor has declared that it's "time to abolish human abortion."
"I am not running to regulate abortion, I am running to abolish it. If elected, I will do everything in my power to bring this evil to an end," says Dan Fisher, senior pastor of Liberty Church of Yukon, in a campaign video posted to YouTube last week.
"I will disregard any unjust rulings or perversions of the U.S. Constitution that claim there is a right to murder preborn human beings in the womb."
In his campaign video, Fisher explains that as governor he would ignore the precedent of the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade.
"Presently numerous states across our Union are ignoring various federal laws and Washington, D.C. doesn't seem to be all that concerned about that," continued Fisher, showing an image of a Coloradan smoking pot.

"When the courts are wrong, they should be ignored. We ignored them in the mid-1800s when they said that a black person was just personal property — and we should have. They were wrong. The courts are often wrong. They're wrong now. They are not God."
In January, Americans United for Life rated Oklahoma the most pro-life state in the country for the second year in a row.
"The AUL list is a ranking of the 50 states based on how well each protects life in law. For the second year in a row, Oklahoma earned the top ranking, followed by Kansas, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Arizona," Life News reported earlier this year.
"For the eighth year in a row, Washington remained the state where women have the fewest pro-life legal protections, followed by California, Vermont, New Jersey, and Oregon."
On his campaign site, Fisher contrasted his approach to other pro-life politicians, whose efforts he viewed as only regulating the practice and not seeking to end it.
"The pro-life politicians we've elected to protect the preborn have chosen to regulate abortion as healthcare instead of banning the barbaric practice altogether. Consequently, our state government has abandoned its most basic moral duties: to protect the innocent and establish equal justice under the law," stated Fisher's campaign site.
"It's time to move beyond pro-life politics. It's time to abolish human abortion and turn Oklahoma into the first abortion-free state. As governor of Oklahoma, I will do everything within my power to end the murder of the preborn in our state."