One-in-Three Black Babies Aborted; Leads to New Awareness Drive by Pro-Life Christians
Nearly one in three babies of black parents are aborted, according to newly released statistics. The numbers have been highlighted by a new campaign to bring attention to the extremely high rates of aborted fetuses in African-American communities throughout the nation.
The statistics have led Christian leaders to speak out and to promote further education about the situation in local communities. Some have called the situation a type of genocide and have called for something to be done about the shocking numbers.
"We're witnessing numbers of about 1,500 black babies a day that are dying," Pastor Stephen Broden, a member of the pro-life group Life Always, told CBN.
Broden is the founder and senior pastor of Fair Park Bible Fellowship in Texas, and also a recipient of the Ronald Reagan Gold Medal Award. He has long been outspoken on the issue of abortion and has drawn criticism and controversy from opponents for his national billboard campaign that spreads the message of the destructive force abortion is within black communities.
However, even though Broden has spent so much time promoting the sanctity of life he has said that he feels drowned out by main stream media, who take a much more liberal approach to the situation. Broden accuses them of ignoring the severity of the problem.
When talking about his billboard campaign he admitted that it may have raised eyebrows or even offended some people, but that it was necessary in order to get his message across about preserving life.
He also insisted that he will not be deterred or dismayed in any fashion while he is exposing this tragedy affecting the black community.
"It is controversial. But sometimes you have to do some things that are controversial just to get heard," Broden said.
During a recent conference, Ryan Bomberger, who is a member of the Radiance Foundation, revealed that he is against the notion that abortion is better than allowing an unwanted child to be born. He strongly opposes the argument that abortion is better than a child being brought up in a poor or difficult family life. Bomberger's own mother was raped, but rather than aborting the resulting child she opted to give birth and give him up for adoption so that he would have a chance at life.
"I would love to express to her the amazing things that followed, the beauty that arose from the ashes of her pain," Bomberger told CBN. "And because of that singular choice of life, she literally has impacted millions."