‘God goes before us’: Over 3,000 attend revival at Arkansas high school football stadium

More than 3,000 people, mostly teenagers, attended a revival gathering organized by the Fellowship of Christian Athletes at a high school football stadium in Arkansas.
Known as Fields of Faith, the event took place last Wednesday at the Lakeside High School Stadium in Hot Springs and was one of hundreds of Fields of Faith events held worldwide this year.
Micah May, who serves as multi-area director for FCA South Central Arkansas, told The Christian Post on Monday that over 3,000 people attended last week’s Fields of Faith event.
“We believe God goes before us as we prepare for an event like FOF. We run a social media campaign, hang posters at every campus and distribute promotional T-shirts through our local FCA huddles on each campus,” said May.

“We have generous sponsors who underwrite the event so that the event is completely free for students to attend. Ultimately, it comes down to friends inviting friends. They influence each other. FCA simply provides the venue, food and band.”
The Arkansas event included a pre-rally that featured free food, games and live music, as well as allocating time for students to publicly share their testimonies of faith.
While this year’s Fields of Faith marked the 17th such event held in Hot Springs, with the first being in 2006, May told CP that he considered last week’s gathering to be “special.”
“Luke 1:37 tells us that God’s Word never fails,” said May. “Truly, there was an unmistakable move of the Holy Spirit. Hundreds of students prayed seeking the Lord, God was present and lives were changed.”
“At the end of the event, after the students had spoken and a call to action was presented to the group, there was a sweet spirit of worship that broke out as the band Crutchfield led in their final songs.”
Over the past several months, there have been many large gatherings of high school and college students at revival events, with the most prominent one being at Asbury University in Kentucky.
When asked by CP if he thought the Fields of Faith gathering was part of a larger revival movement in the United States, May said he believes that “there is a spirit of revival stirring in our world.”
“God is on the move and we are honored to be a small part of what He is doing,” said May. “To God be all the glory.”