Parent-Child Relationship Further Weakened with Court Order
The decision by U.S. District Court Judge Edward Korman of New York to order the FDA to make Plan B, post-intercourse contraceptives available to 17-year-old girls without a prescription from their doctor is one more example of the government believing it has the right to interpose itself between parents and their children. It is shameful that the Obama administration has decided it will not appeal this terrible federal court decision.
Allowing drugs with such powerful physiological and emotional effects to be sold over the counter to adults without a prescription, as has been the case since 2005, has no doubt had significant consequences, none of them good. The decision to allow such drugs to be marketed and sold to underage teenagers without a prescription is absolutely incredible. No good can come out of it.
This decision will certainly lead to increased rates of sexual activity for teenagers, resulting in untold physical, emotional, and spiritual consequences, including increased rates of sexually transmitted diseases, against which Plan B offers no protection. It will certainly result in an even greater number of pharmacological, spontaneous abortions of babies, who will be conceived but known only to God. Plan B snuffs out their lives before implantation can occur.
This decision also showcases the senseless double standard with which the law addresses the abortion issue. In most schools, a 17-year-old girl can't get an aspirin from the school nurse without parental permission, but she can buy an abortifacient drug over the counter without a prescription or without parental notification in order to kill her potential child.
The whole episode is shameful and dangerous. Perhaps the most frightening thing is that the Obama administration doesn't seem to understand that.