Parents should get involved in youth ministry
"Surveys of teens shows the importance of parents and family in shaping young people's lives," Spencer Good, a youth minister told participants in a breakout session at the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship's general assembly, ABP reported on 1 July.
"Parents are three times more influencial to their children than is the church. Therefore parents should be the ones who help youth ministries," he said, "46% of teens say their primary role model is a family member."
In the survey, 47% of teens picked their parents as their greatest influence and the second was church, 16% cited. Also 8% said their peers and 4% said their relative other than a parent.
Good persisted that teens want their parents paying attention and get involved in their lives, whether they admit it or not.
"In youth ministries, the church needs to reach out to parents and partners and train them for developing their teenageers," he added.
The best way to get parents involved in church youth activities is to plan good stuff, Good said. "Parents should get involved in planning the youth programs and events."
Many parents need to develop parenting skills and need more information to help their children. As long as parents are so significant in teens' lives, the church has to educate parents first.
Good also pointed out that youth ministry should 'fuse' with family ministry in the church and focus on the five purposes of the church: worship, discipleship, evangelism, fellowship and ministry.