Pat Robertson to Mother: Son's Stomach Pains Caused by Demons or Occult in the Family

During the "Bring It" portion of "The 700 Club," a viewer named Dianne asked host Pat Robertson about her son's stomach ailment. She wrote in:
"My son heard sounds that sent painful shock-waves thru his body as I was praying for him and I called on the name of JESUS," wrote Dianne. "My son said it felt like something hit him very hard in the stomach. I know this is not of God. He is a Christian. Can Christians be attacked by demons?"
In response Robertson said it sounds like the boy is caught in the middle of spiritual warfare. He urged Dianne to seek the guidance of someone versed in the "spiritual dimension." He added that she may want to dig into family history for involvement with the occult, including "witchcraft or tarot cards or psychic things."
Commenters online are criticizing the exchange, which lacks a mention of medicine. On Raw Story, Suzan Sarasin wrote, "Sadly it doesn't sound like the mother is very sane. Just the fact that she is asking a televangelist instead of a doctor about pains her son is having makes me worry for the boy."
Another reader foresees more dire consequences, writing, "If the boy dies from some undiagnosed ailment, throw both Robertson and his parents in prison for manslaughter."