Paula White: Christians will 'stand accountable before God' if they vote against Trump

Televangelist Paula White said that Christians who don't support President Donald Trump will have to answer to God.
White, who serves as spiritual adviser to President Donald Trump and chairs the president’s evangelical advisory board, made the comments during a Friday appearance on the “The Jim Bakker Show” where she was promoting her latest book, Something Greater, in which she discusses intimate details of her life including her relationship with Trump.
“It is a dividing line unless you have eyes to see,” White told Bakker while discussing how America was being changed through the lower courts. Trump has been working hard to protect religious freedom in a spiritual war between good and evil that is being waged through the courts and that threatens to outlaw the Bible as hate speech, she claimed.
“It’s (warfare) gonna either make you stand and lets you have to look in the Word and say what does God say and where do I line up. Where do I line up on policy? I might not like the personality, I might not understand him. Get my book and you’ll understand the personality and you’ll understand the person, Ok? Not just the persona,” White said.
“Where do I line up? And you’re gonna have to make a decision that won’t be just held accountable here for how things turn out for you, your children, your grandchildren, but you’re gonna have to stand accountable before God one day. Not based on your opinion, your hurt, your wounding, what you think, what you don’t. Educate yourself. Know the issues, know the word of God, and then if you cannot align with the word of God I don’t see it,” White continued.
She explained earlier how since he assumed office, Trump managed to fill 170 lower court vacancies and two Supreme Court justices.
“We now we’ll have a third one, we just need the time. But it is very potential that we could have a fourth or even a fifth,” White said.
“If we can change the Supreme Court like we are already changing it, these are lifetime appointments. You don’t think all hell is trembling right now?” White asked.
Without President Trump’s re-election, White and Bakker agreed, “we’re going to lose the freedom of America soon.”
“This election is so important. It just scares me, what is going on,” Bakker explained.
“I have a one year old grandson, a 3-year-old granddaughter. Thank goodness DeSantis is our governor, we don’t deal with core curriculum. But I can tell you things in certain states they’ve already passed legislation in states that says the Bible is the book of hate speech. It is only a matter of time, those laws are already passed because people are asleep in my opinion,” she added.
In an installment of her interview with Bakker a day earlier, White argued that the powers of darkness have aligned against President Trump and Christians need to stand against the darkness to keep America shining as a beacon to the world.
“… It is a battle of righteousness and wickedness and it did not start with President Trump. This has been a battle to try to take this nation. If this nation goes down, I’m telling you … We are the hope to this world because this nation was dedicated with little white crosses that were marked along the beaches down by Virginia Beach and Plymouth that were marked and said we dedicate this land to take the Gospel to the nations and once the Gospel is taken to the nations we usher in the return of the Lord,” White declared.
“And so yes, they want this light to go dim in America because if we do not be the beacon of hope to the world and if we do not take the Gospel to the world then there is a darkness. But I believe … we’re ushering in a great awakening and we’ll see the greatest harvest ever. And they want to fight President Trump because of what he’s standing for.”
Other Trump-supporting evangelical leaders have made similar claims in recent weeks, warning of Nazi-like government takeovers, civil war and violence from Trump supporters if he is impeached.
Eric Metaxas, a nationally syndicated religious right talk radio host, compared opposition to Trump to how the Nazis took over Germany.
Metaxas told Fox News legal and political analyst Gregg Jarrett that unless people wake up to that fact, “it’s the end of America.”
“How did the Nazis take over Germany? How did it happen? How did it happen that the Salem witch trials—how do people get crazy, and there’s this mass lemming-like run toward something that’s a chimera, an illusion, and yet it happens over and over in history,” Metaxas said.
“I want to say really bluntly to my audience: You don’t have to like Trump. In fact, you can hate Trump. That’s your right as an American. But when we see this level of corruption happening in our government, when we see journalists abdicate their sacred calling as journalists to follow a narrative, I have to say every American should be scared, because if you do not undo this, if you don’t wake up from the dream, it’s the end of America,” he said.
Rick Wiles senior pastor at Flowing Streams Church in Vero Beach, Florida, who is also the founder of TruNews, warned on his platform recently that if Trump is removed from office, his supporters who “know how to fight” will violently hunt down those who backed impeachment and removal.
“If they take him out, there is going to be violence in America,” Wiles said. “There are people in this country — veterans, cowboys, mountain men, guys that know how to fight — and they’re going to make a decision that the people that did this to Donald Trump are not going to get away with it and they’re going to hunt them down … If these people in Washington think that they are going to get away with it, it’s not going to happen. The Trump supporters are going to hunt them down. It’s going to happen and this country is going to be plunged into darkness and they brought it upon themselves because they won’t back off.”
Last month, First Baptist Dallas Pastor Robert Jeffress, one of Trump's most outspoken evangelical supporters, similarly claimed that impeachment would "cause a civil war-like fracture." Trump quoted Jeffress' remarks on Twitter.
Left-leaning evangelical leader Jim Wallis said Jeffress' remarks were irresponsible.
“Trump since entering political life has evoked, capitalized on, and fanned America’s worst demons — demons like racism, xenophobia, and misogyny,” Wallis said. “It’s hard to say how much anger was already there in his white evangelical supporters, who have felt for decades like their pride of place in American society and culture is being eroded or actively under assault, and how much anger is new and the result of Trump’s incitement.”