PC(USA) Joining Hearts and Hands Inches Toward $40 Million Goal
The Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA) is continuing its effort to raise $40 million for missions and evangelism, despite the high cost in maintaining the program.
According to a newly released financial report by the PC(USA), the Joining Hearts and Hands campaign earned $852,584 in the quarter ending Dec. 31 -- $114,507 higher than the last. The figure puts the campaigns total cash and pledges offering at $8.44 million since its 2002 launch. Of these, however, only one tenth have been paid cash, placing the project at a negative balance.
To date, the campaign, which began in earnest in 2002 after being approved by the 2001 General Assembly, has paid expenses of $1.93 million, or $1.07 million more than the cash receipts, the Presbyterian Layman explained. At that rate of progress between quarters, the campaign would reach its goal in 148 more years.
Most of the money pledged for Joining Hearts and Hands is designated for new church development, rather than cash payments.
Nonetheless, the campaign continues to move forward with its goal of raising $20 million for Worldwide Ministries, $10 million for new church development, and $10 million for racial-ethnic church development.
To view the PC(USA)s financial report, visit: http://www.pcusa.org/joiningheartsandhands/pdf/financials123104.pdf