Planned Parenthood sex ed for minors promotes prostitution, says abstinence is 'unrealistic'

Planned Parenthood's sexual education curriculum for children under 10 teaches that commercial sex work is an example of an "interpersonal relationship" and includes small group activities that encourage children to "walk in [the] shoes" of a woman considering abortion, describing it as a "human right."
Earlier this month, the pro-life activist organization American Life League highlighted an International Planned Parenthood Federation toolkit that provides guidelines for teachers to educate children under age 10 and over 10 about "Comprehensive Sexual Education."
In a section outlining questions about CSE, the toolkit asserts that it is "unfair and unrealistic" to teach children to wait until marriage to have sex.
"Not everyone will choose to get married, and many countries have restrictions on who is able to get married (for example, members of same sex relationships)," the toolkit states.
Katie Brown, American Life League's national director, highlighted the absence of topics like chastity, expectant motherhood, fetal development or parenting from Planned Parenthood's curriculum. The pro-life advocate asserted that the nation's largest abortion provider is teaching children to be sexually promiscuous, so they'll come to the corporation for abortions and birth control one day.
"Public schools are allowing the organization that killed almost 393,000 preborn children by abortion in 2023 unfettered access to thousands of elementary, middle, and high school students in their classrooms, and it is spending taxpayer dollars to do so," Brown said in a statement last Wednesday.
Planned Parenthood did not immediately respond to The Christian Post's request for comment.
Pro-life groups have frequently objected to public schools implementing sexual education curricula designed by Planned Parenthood. One of the main objections is that Planned Parenthood's lesson plans for minors promote harmful behaviors.
In an interview with The Christian Post, Michele Hendrickson, Students for Life of America's director of strategic initiatives, urged parents whose children attend schools using Planned Parenthood's curriculum to advocate for their children.
"The most important thing you can do is be active at your school board," Hendrickson said. "Those are open meetings for a reason; they want to hear from parents."
One section of the toolkit explains how to teach children under 10 about "interpersonal relationships," stating that this sometimes results in sexual activity. The toolkit lists dating, marriage or commercial sex work as examples of relationships that often result in sexual activity.
Another part teaches children ages 10 to 18 about abortion and encourages them to demand "recognition of sexual and reproductive rights for all" by voting. A small group activity related to abortion for children under 10 — titled "Walking in her shoes: the decision to end a pregnancy" — involves analyzing abortion cases to understand why women and girls have abortions.
American Life League also highlighted other examples of Planned Parenthood's sexual education material, including the "Sex Ed To-Go" abortion curriculum.
Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest offers the material for children as young as 9, and it discusses how to overcome "barriers" to having an abortion and how to be a "strong advocate for abortion."
"What does it look like when Planned Parenthood presents sexual education?" Brown asked. "Unfortunately, it's not about how God created our bodies uniquely male and female to bring children into the world."
"No, Planned Parenthood's top services are abortion and birth control, clearly illustrating this organization's complete lack of respect for the life that God created and total disregard for His plan for procreation and families," the pro-life leader stated. "This is not an entity that anyone should ever trust to care for and instruct our precious children."
Planned Parenthood's presence at schools throughout the country has been a frequent source of controversy.
Hendrickson, herself a former schoolteacher, highlighted the various ways SFLA works to counter Planned Parenthood on school campuses.
To combat the abortion vendor's presence at Christian schools, SFLA will usually start online petitions and contact donors. Even if public schools are not expected to uphold biblical values, Hendrickson argued that they should still aspire to provide their students with "quality resources."
The Demetree Institute for Pro-Life Advancement, a project of SFLA, released the findings of its 2024 Christian Schools Project, which assigned a letter grade to 732 Christian schools based on their relationships with the abortion vendor.
While the report found that many Christian schools had increased their support of Planned Parenthood by 10% each year since 2022, it noted that 12 schools removed ties with the corporation after initial contact with researchers.
As Hendrickson explained, SFLA reaches out to Christian schools to see if they are aware they are promoting Planned Parenthood, as sometimes a professor or a department will bring the abortion vendor to the school without the administration's knowledge.
"We investigate all of these universities, and then we approach the schools," the SFLA director said. "If it's their first infraction, we'll say, 'Hey, you probably weren't even aware. We just wanted to alert you.' We try to give them the benefit of the doubt. And then we'll remind them that Planned Parenthood is the nation's number one abortion vendor and that this definitely does not uphold biblical values."
SFLA also provides schools with alternatives to Planned Parenthood, according to Hendrickson, such as Standing With You. The initiative is an SFLA project that helps women facing an unexpected pregnancy locate support and understand their rights on campus.
"We work with student groups to help them go into their health center Standing With You materials and say, 'Hey, let's do this instead. This is a more holistic, healthy approach for our students,'" the SFLA director said.
Samantha Kamman is a reporter for The Christian Post. She can be reached at: Follow her on Twitter: @Samantha_Kamman