'Pokémon Go' Rumors: If Legendary Creatures Aren't Showing in Chicago Next Month, What Else May Developers Release?
'Pokémon Go Fest' will take place in Chicago on July 22
The first "real-world" event for "Pokémon Go" is finally set to take place next month, but what exactly can players expect from it?
Thus far, at least, developers have yet to reveal exactly what they have planned for the special event known as "Pokémon Go Fest."
Set to take place at Grant Park in Chicago on July 22, developers have teased that there will be "a ton of exciting festivities," but that is not exactly a lot to go by.
Still, given how much attention this event is getting from the developers, there are players expecting the Legendary Pokémon to be involved in some way.
There are also players who have pointed out some major problems that could arise from turning the "Pokémon Go Fest" into a Legendary event.
As "Marvel227" noted in a post on r/TheSilphRoad Subreddit, developers introducing the Legendary Pokémon during the upcoming event could lead to many players voicing their complaints over the limited access, and whatever excitement is generated by the arrival of these coveted creatures could be adversely affected by comments from unhappy fans.
So, if developers do decide to withhold the Legendary creatures from the upcoming "Pokémon Go" event then what else could they show off?
Redditor "Revrush" speculated that perhaps developers could make "unusual Pokémon" available instead of the Legendary creatures.
Other players have suggested that Shiny variants of certain Pokémon may be introduced so that attendees will feel as though they will not be going home empty-handed.
Given that developers are urging many players to attend, perhaps they are planning to officially launch some new social features such as trading or even PVP that could be tested first by the people who are present at the "Pokémon Go Fest."
It is by no means guaranteed that Legendary Pokémon will be showing up in Chicago next month, and if they really are not, then "Pokémon Go's" developers seem to have other notable additions that they can still introduce in order to make the upcoming event a memorable one.