Protests Against 'American Girl' Doll Makers Continue
The doll makers behind the
The doll makers behind the "American Girl" series of toys for girls will be met with protesters on Saturday in New York City, following the company's donations to a group that supports abortion, lesbianism, and the use of contraception for young people.
The activists will be picketing outside of "American Girl Place" on Fifth Avenue. According to a news release, the protesters, including young girls, will be holding "Girls for Life" signs with the dolls themselves holding miniature picket signs.
"December is the busiest shopping season of the year," said League Executive Director Ann Scheidler. "Our picket will reach thousands of shoppers on New York's Fifth Avenue with the unfortunate news that American Girl is funding Girls Inc., a group that strongly advocates abortion."
Christian groups were incensed when American Girl launched a campaign called "I Can," which pledged to give 70 percent of the money from sales of $1 bracelets in addition to $50,000 to Girls Inc., a company which holds "positions at odds with the values of many American Girl Customers," stated the Pro-Life Action League.
In November, on the day after Thanksgiving, the group protested outside an American Girl Place in Chicago, where about 50 protesters passed out fliers on the company's pro-abortion efforts. Major news media such as CNN and CBS news covered the event.
The League had previously called for a boycott of Girls Inc. through the Christmas shopping season.
The Pro-Life Action League was also involved in a Supreme Court case heard on Nov. 30, involving PLAL President Joseph Scheidler and the National Organization for Women. The case has been litigated for nearly 20 years and the Justices are expected to render a decision next year. The case involved pro-life protesters from the PLAL being accused of being extortionists for protests at abortion clinics.