Purpose Driven UK to Hold Conferences to Celebrate Recovery
The new program, called Celebrate Recover, will aid pastors and the unchurched as they act as Gods ministers in the world.
LONDON -- With Churches and communities suffering and struggling with pain, shame and addiction, Purpose Driven UK has launched the latest project to reach out and ease the strain brought about by modern society.
The new programme is called Celebrate Recover, and several church in Great Britain have already had the chance to experience the value of the programme.
Both conferences will be led by John Baker of Saddleback Church, USA which is the founding Church for the Purpose Driven Church model. Baker, who is a recovered alcoholic himself, was given a vision by God fourteen years ago. The vision was for a Christ-centred recovery programme.
Out of this revelation Celebrate Recovery was founded, and since its establishment more than 250,000 lives have been changed by the programme.
The programme has been described by organisers as a biblically-balanced programme that helps people overcome their hurts, habits and hang-ups by showing them the loving power of Jesus Christ through a recovery process.
The Purpose Driven Church strategy has also been integrated into the programme to attract and win the un-churched members of society. The Purpose Driven plan will also help delegates to develop spiritual maturity, equip them for ministry as well as aiding them to set up a true life of mission.
An amazing eighty-five percent of people that go through the programme remain with the church once it ends, and more than half go even further and serve as church volunteers.
Derby Community Church at The Riverside in Derby, will host the event in England on Thursday 29th September 2005. The day will be full and aim to effective, commencing at 9 a.m. and concluding at 5 p.m.
The corresponding day in Northern Ireland will take place on Tuesday 4th October 2005, at Ballyearl Arts and Leisure Centre.
The founding pastor of Saddleback Church in California is Rick Warren, who is the author of one of the most read Christian books worldwide in recent times The Purpose Driven Life. The book has sold more than a million copies in 20 languages across the globe.