Q&A with Governor Mike Huckabee, Republican Candidate for President
Editors Note: Below is an email interview conducted with former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, an announced candidate for the 2016 GOP nomination.
CP: Do you think President Obama and Washington are pushing us in the wrong direction morally?
Huckabee: Yes. America has witnessed the slaughter of over 55 million babies in the name of choice. Politicians and unelected judges threaten the foundation of religious liberty by criminalizing Christianity. We even have Republicans demanding that we abandon Biblical principles of natural marriage.
CP: What does judicial supremacy mean to you?
Huckabee: It's the Supreme Court, NOT the Supreme Branch and it's sure not the Supreme Being. Many politicians have surrendered to the false god of judicial supremacy. This is wrong. It leads to judicial tyranny. We should not allow black-robed and unelected judges the power to make law and enforce it-upending the equality of our three branches of government and the separation of powers so very central to our Constitution.
CP: You've made a "Pledge to the People" that's getting a lot of attention. What's that about?
Huckabee: With all the smoke and mirrors in the media, I want Americans to know exactly what I will do as President. If you go to mikehuckabee.com or HuckabeePledge.com you can see my pledge to the American people.
CP: You have been to Israel more than 30 times over the past 42 years since you first visited in 1973. Do you think President Obama has treated Israel unfairly?
Huckabee: President Obama has been disastrous on Israel. We put more pressure on our ally Israel to cease building bedrooms for their families in Judea and Samaria than we do on Iran for building the bomb. When I hear Obama say he wants Christians to get off their high horse so we can make nice with radical jihadists, I wonder if he could watch a western movie and tell the difference between the good guys and bad guys.
CP: In your "Pledge to the People," you promise to defend the "sanctity of all human life from the moment of conception until the grave" and to push to "defund Planned Parenthood". Is this critical to your campaign for President?
Huckabee: We've lost our way morally. I refuse to surrender on fundamental issues like life and marriage. As I have said, the Supreme Court is not the Supreme Being and that can't overturn the laws of nature or of nature's God. Thousands have signed on to HuckabeePledge.com so clearly many Americans agree with me.
CP: After going for the GOP nomination in 2008, do you think you can win the GOP nomination in 2016?
Huckabee: Yes. Everywhere I go, I talk to Americans that have been locked-out of a dysfunctional Washington that does the bidding of the donor class, but does not represent them. Voters are hungry for a President that doesn't speak AT them, but speaks FOR them. I wasn't born with a silver spoon and I wasn't endowed with a trust fund. But I did have a healthy trust that God would create opportunities. But I can't win this alone. I encourage everyone who wants to follow our campaign to go to MikeHuckabee.com and sign-up today.