Ray Comfort Releases New Faith-Based Film to Help People Combat Suicidal Thoughts (Video)

New Zealand-born evangelist Ray Comfort, who's best known for his street evangelism, has released a new film titled "EXIT" that aims to combat increasing suicide rates worldwide by offering a life-saving solution to the millions of people battling depression and suicidal thoughts.
According to the World Health Organization, a staggering 800,000 people take their lives every year. That amounts to one death by suicide occurring every 40 seconds or 2,000 lives lost every day.
"This compelling movie shines a powerful light in the darkness and offers true hope to those who think they have none. Someone you know may be secretly considering their exit," the description for "Exit: The Appeal of Suicide," says. The film was created to reach those who suffer from deep sadness and despair, and direct people to a "better way."
Actor Kirk Cameron, who regularly partners with Comfort in his street evangelism ministry, promoted the film on social media, calling it a "powerful new faith-filled movie."
Comfort, a Christian apologist and founder of the Living Waters ministry whose list of film projects includes "180," "Audacity," "Evolution vs. God," "Noah and the Last Days" and "Genius," is the executive producer of "EXIT."
Along with the trailer for the film, Living Waters has also released information to help people combat suicidal thoughts and provided contact information for a Suicide Prevention Lifeline.
Comfort and his team have also encouraged people to confide in those closest to them by allowing their loved ones to share their burdens.
Below is a list of four things the ministry encourages people to remember:
1. YOU HAVE WORTH. You are not a cosmic accident; you are not here by chance. The Bible says God formed you in your mother's womb. You are special, unique, and handcrafted by the Creator; and because of that your life has meaning. No matter where you've been, what's happened, or what you've done, nothing can ever erase the incredible value God has placed on you as His creation.
2. YOU ARE LOVED. The Bible says, "God is love." He not only knows your turmoil and pain, He cares deeply and promises that if you draw near to Him, He will draw near to you. You can be adopted into His family as His beloved child.
3. THERE IS HOPE. The Bible tells us that by trusting in Jesus we have a "living hope," a hope that is an anchor for the soul. If you don't know God personally, you can, through genuine repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. Your sins will be washed away. His Spirit will come to live within you and will never leave you, and you'll be given a new heart with new desires. The meaning and purpose of your life is to truly love God and walk with Him. You can find healing, forgiveness, and hope in Christ.
4. HELP IS AVAILABLE. Like a mold of the soul, severe depression grows in the cold dampness of isolation. Please, open up and reach out for support.
The film is now available as a pre-release download but will soon be available for free on YouTube, just as Comfort's previous movies have been. Those who download "EXIT" prior to its release will also receive two books on how to battle depression.
To get your copy of "EXIT" click here.