Read the Poem Darren Aronofsky Wrote About Noah in the 7th Grade (PHOTO)

Part of the popular legend behind "Noah" – which hauled in over $44 million this weekend – is that director Darren Aronofsky has long been fascinated by the biblical account of the The Flood. And here's proof for any skeptics of the fact.
As a 7th grader at Mark Twain Intermediate School 239 in Brooklyn, a 13-year-old Aronofsky wrote a poem called 'The Dove' for class. His teacher submitted the poem to a contest at the UN, and it won a prize for its emphasis on peace. Here's a photo of the poem followed by the text.

J.H.S. 239
January 13, 1982
Aronofsky, Darren
7A-115-S-4The Dove
Evil was in the world. The laughing crowd left the foolish man and his ark filled with animals when the rain began to fall. It was hopeless. The man could not take the evil crowd with him but he was allowed to bring his good family. The rain continued through the night and the cries of screaming men filled the air. The ark was afloat. Until the dove returned with the leaf, evil still existed. When the rainbows reached throughout the sky the humble man and his family knew what it meant.
The animals ran and flew freely with their new born. The fog rose and the sun shone. Peace was in the air and it soon appeared all of man's heart.
He knew evil could not be kept away for evil and war could not be destroyed but neither was it possible to destroy peace.
Evil is hard to end and peace is hard to begin but the rainbow and the dove will always live within every mans' heart.
H/T: RELEVANT, Huffington Post