Rep. Mary Miller calls for bringing God back into public schools

Republican Rep. Mary Miller of Illinois says it's time for public schools to bring God back into the classroom, insisting that the absence of faith from American education is responsible for the infiltration of sexually explicit material into public schools.
Miller participated in a panel discussion at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference Friday called “Town Hall: Pupil Propaganda.” The discussion focused on concerns about education in the United States, specifically the teaching of sexually explicit material and LGBT ideology to young children.
The congresswoman attributed the presence of such material in public schools to top officials in the Biden administration being “openly hostile to our American values.”
“I’ve been going at it with the education secretary,” she said. “He sent out an order to all public schools stating that if a teacher or student says that there are two genders, that they’re guilty of harassment, which is setting up our teachers to be fired and our students to be disciplined.”
Miller added, “I went at it with him and asked, ‘How many genders are there?’ He tried to deflect from my question and I went after him and he finally said to me, ‘I won’t answer your question.’”
Conservative commentator Candace Owens, who moderated the panel, accused public schools of perpetrating “active child abuse” by “purposefully teaching children the wrong ideas, purposefully confusing them, particularly in matters of sexuality.” After identifying the problems facing American education, the panelists offered solutions.
“The problem is that we kicked God out of our schools,” Miller asserted. “Our country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles, and it says in Jeremiah that … they refused to listen to the Word of God and they ended up having no shame.”
Miller elaborated on what she saw as the consequences of keeping God out of public schools: “We’ve told our kids that they come from nowhere and they’re here for no purpose, they’re heading to oblivion. But that is the problem. We need to tell our kids, they were created by God, they have a gift, they have a purpose and bring that back into the public school as a foundation.”
“God has left us on Earth to look for opportunities to overcome evil with good and all of us have an opportunity in front of [us],” she added.
Stacy Langton, a stay-at-home mom from Fairfax County, Virginia, who received considerable media attention for confronting her local school board about the presence of books she likened to “pornography” in the district’s libraries, suggested putting warning labels on books.
Langton now runs a grassroots organization of concerned parents called “Mama Grizzly” and explained that “Right now, the biggest thing that I’m working on is I want to be able to get some type of a labeling system for these types of books because we have a labeling system for everything else.”
“The [Motion Picture Association of America] has ratings on films and that’s to protect kids from … seeing pornography. You can’t go into an R-rated film if you’re under the age of 17,” she added. “We have it in the music industry and that exists because of what [former second lady] Tipper Gore did.”
Langton expressed support for putting “PAW prints” on books, an acronym for “parental advisory warning.” She highlighted the need to “close a loophole that we have in some of the laws in this country in every state that is exempting these types of materials in libraries.”
“That’s how these radical librarians are getting away with this right now. It was intended in the '70s to allow sex education. Well, sex education is not X-rated depictions of the act, right? That’s not what we are meant to do for children. And so, now you have radical librarians who are driving a truck through that loophole and bringing in all kinds of X-rated material.”
Langton contended that “until that loophole can be closed on the legislative front, if we label the books, at least then, parents won’t be shocked when something is coming home in their backpack” because “it would have a label on it, the PAW print label, and then they would know … there’s something in this book.” The Fairfax County mother expressed hope that she would have the same level of success that Gore had in her efforts to put “parental advisory labels on music.”
Ryan Foley is a reporter for The Christian Post. He can be reached at: