Rick Warren: Miracles Don't Happen When Things Are Comfortable

Miracles don't happen when a situation is comfortable, says Saddleback Church senior pastor and best-selling author Rick Warren.
In his "Daily Hope" devotional published Tuesday, Warren explained "the path to a miracle often goes through uncomfortable territory."
"Miracles never happen in your comfort zone, when everything's great and convenient. You don't need a miracle when everything is settled in your life," said Warren. "You only need a miracle when you're on the edge, when you're scared to death, when you're insecure, when you can get hit at any angle."
Warren drew upon 1 Kings 17 and specifically the prophet Elijah being called to go to a poor widow during a time of great persecution.
"God told Elijah to walk more than 100 miles during a drought through dangerous territory, where everyone knew who he was and that King Ahab had a price on his head," continued Warren.
"Elijah didn't say, 'God, there are three things wrong with this plan. One, you're sending me in the wrong direction. Two, you're sending me to the wrong location. And three, you're sending me to the wrong protection.' Elijah just obeyed."
Warren also cited other biblical examples, such as Moses and the Israelites having to go through the parted Red Sea before entering the Promised Land.
"Are you at a place right now in your life where things are a little uncomfortable — financially, emotionally, relationally, or physically? You're a little nervous, a little on the edge, a little insecure. Congratulations. You're on the path to a miracle," added Warren.
Warren's reflection on when miracles occur comes not long after the acclaimed Christian film "Miracles From Heaven" was released to DVD.
Based on the book Three Miracles From Heaven, the story follows the real-life incident in which a 12-year-old girl diagnosed with an incurable disease is mysteriously healed following a fall from a tree.
The film "Miracles From Heaven" recounts the real-life story of 12-year-old Annabel Beam's medical miracle and her near-death experience after she fell into a tree.
Annabel suffered from a pseudo-obstruction motility disorder for years and was unable to eat, using feeding tubes for nutrition. But after her near-death experience she was subsequently cured of her disorder — a miracle Anna said she was told would happen by Jesus while unconscious and in Heaven.