Rush Limbaugh Rips CNN Analyst for Disrespecting Ben Carson; Says Hillary Clinton Isn't Worthy to Share Same Stage With Doc

Conservative political commentator Rush Limbaugh ripped into a CNN analyst he referred to as an "infobabe" Tuesday for showing what he sees as outright disrespect for retired neurosurgeon and Republican presidential candidate, Ben Carson, for calling the renowned doctor a lower-tier candidate who will "end up looking presidential" because of real estate mogul Donald Trump's entry into the 2016 presidential race.
"I heard before Trump made his announcement this morning — I saw this on CNN some infobabe, I don't remember who, was lamenting Trump getting in the race, is a clown. And so, the real problem with Trump getting in is he's going to make the Republican lower tier look good. And she cited Dr. Ben Carson as an example and how unfortunate that is, that Ben Carson is gonna end up looking presidential because Trump getting in is a clown," said Limbaugh on his radio show before launching into a staunch defense of Carson as a person and presidential candidate.
"Dr. Benjamin Carson is one of the finest, most accomplished human beings on this planet who has done more for people than most people in politics will ever do. And he's done it personally, not with other people's money," said Limbaugh.
"Dr. Ben Carson is a first-class human being and citizen. He is exactly the kind of person that you could trust running any government institution. You would trust him to babysit your kids. He's just an admirable human being. He has overcome great odds. He's brilliant. He's temperate. There is everything in the world to recommend about the humanity of Dr. Benjamin Carson, and here he is on CNN today ripped and said it's unfortunate that somebody like Ben Carson will be made to look serious when Trump gets in as the clown," he continued.
"There is not a single person in the media today that could wear Dr. Benjamin Carson's uniform — whatever uniform he puts on in a day, a business suit, if it's surgical scrubs. There's not a single member of the media that could do anything close to what Ben Carson has done with his life. But he gets — and he's not the only one — ripped to shreds, denigrated, destroyed, and for what? He holds to traditional values. He believes in morality. He is just a decent guy and he ends up a target for destruction," Limbaugh added.
Limbaugh explained that 2012 GOP presidential nominee, Mitt Romney, also suffered similar attacks from the liberal press when he ran for office. He charged, however, that Democratic presidential candidate and former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton isn't even worthy to "get on the same stage" with Carson.
"But you compare Dr. Carson to the Clintons? I mean, it's not even — talking character, accomplishment, intelligence, credibility, believability, every characteristic that matters, virtue, it's no contest. The Clintons can't even get on the same stage. And yet they're placed there by a fawning accomplice media that's doing the job of running around and destroying, literally, great, good, fine people. I think it's unfortunate how easy it appears to be. It's unfortunate how complete character assassination can end up being for somebody who just ... why would you even want to destroy someone like Ben Carson? Why?" asked Limbaugh.
"All he's done is save the lives of children. I thought that's what mattered to people on the left and Democrats. So much pro bono, brain surgery on young children, that was his specialty. They even made a movie about him, a movie about his life, it was so extraordinary, it was so exemplary, it was so inspiring. Now we got some no-accomplishment twit on CNN claiming that the worst thing about Trump getting in is he's gonna make Ben Carson look legitimate. That's what wrong," he ended.