Sanctus Real's Tour Bus Destroyed in Fire (PHOTOS)
The band Sanctus Real, as well as four children, miraculously survived a fire that destroyed their tour bus on Sunday morning.

According to a statement from the band, the bus was riding along the Pennsylvania Turnpike around 4 a.m. Sunday when the driver noticed flames in the side mirror.
Band members Matt Hammitt, Chris Rohman, Dan Gartley, Pete Prevost, and Mark Graalman as well the band's family, including four children, quickly evacuated the bus, resulting in no injuries.
The abrupt exit did not allow the bus occupants to grab any personal belongings before the fire became out of control.
"As a result, everything was destroyed in the fire, from clothing to laptops, cell phones, and wallets," said a statement.
The Christian rock band was headed toward Mitchellville, Maryland where a performance was scheduled.
Although the trailer behind the bus appeared intact, Sanctus Real members will learn later this week if the equipment in the trailer is damaged.
Fortunately, most of the band members were able to return to their respective homes on Sunday, while band member Gartley remains in Pennsylvania surveying the damage.
Despite the fire, the Grammy-nominated band will move ahead with their performance schedule. The band will appear in Atlanta this weekend with The FISH Radio and at a performance at Lake Lanier Islands Resort.
Sanctus Real is best known for four Billboard Top 10's on the Christian Songs chart including "Beautiful Day," as well as their album "Pieces of a Real Heart."
On Twitter, Sanctus Real fans sounded off about the bus fire.
"Please pray for our friends in Sanctus Real," wrote South Florida's radio station 88.1. "They had a massive fire that completely destroyed their bus."
Corey wrote, "Praying for @matthammitt @ Sanctus Real this morning. Everyone's ok…"
Christian singer Kari Jobe posted to Twitter: "Praying for @sanctusreal who's bus burned down 2 nights ago. Wow. Thankful everyone is safe."