Sausage and Cancer: Link Found in New Study
A new study has claimed that eating on average a sausage a day or two rashers of bacon a day could increase the risk of pancreatic cancer by a fifth.
Research by scientists indicates that eating even moderate levels of such processed meats can lead to cancer. Swedish scientists have found that eating just 50g (four ounces) of processed meats a day raises the likelihood of developing pancreatic cancer by 19 percent. Whereas eating 100g a day (eight ounces), equivalent to a small burger, could increase chances by 38 percent. Alarmingly if the value rises to 150g a day (12 ounces) – still a relatively moderate amount compared to many people’s diets – the chances rise to a shocking 57 percent.
Pancreatic cancer has one of the lowest survival rates among cancers as it usually does not reveal any symptoms until the cancer has developed substantially; making it difficult to treat in the early stages. Less than five percent of patients live beyond five years once diagnosed.
There have been various studies over the past decade claiming to link consumption of red and processed meats to bowel cancer.
According to the National Cancer Institute it is estimated that there will be 43,920 new cases of pancreatic cancer in the United States in 2012. Furthermore it estimates there will be 37,390 deaths from pancreatic cancer in the United States in 2012.