See What Happens When Grapefruit Is Left to Rot for 72 Days
Ever wanted to see exactly what happens when you leave a slice of grapefruit unrefrigerated for 72 days straight?
Well wonder no more as the YouTube Account known as Temponaut Timelapse has uploaded a video that will satisfy your curiousity.
With some rocking instrumental music in the background, the video starts out showing a perfectly healthy grapefruit half.
However, as days go by, things begin to change. The fruit becomes discolored and its spherical shape is distorted. Finally, it becomes inedible.
According to the video description, the images consist of one pic every 80 minutes that's played back at 30 frames per second.
For those curious about what happens to fruit when it rots over the span of many weeks, this is the video for you. Who knows? Maybe the creator will do a video featuring ligonberries next.