Seeing Life through a Christ-lens!
I have heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints. (Ephesians 1:15 NIV)
Christians are called to look at life through a Christ-lens!
Have you ever seen a yoke being used? The yoke or harness allowing two animals to plow in tandem exemplifies how the original followers of Jesus directed their lives. The apostle Paul had heard of both the Ephesian believers faith in the Lord Jesus and their love for all the saints. Like crosshairs in a scope these two concerns form the angle of vision for all of life.
Jesus was once asked, Which is the greatest commandment? He responded by saying, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart . . . and . . . your neighbor as yourself. Here was Jesus yokeloving faith in God and loving concern for others. There are other ways to look at life, but none better.
With the Jesus-yoke squarely before our eyes, all of our actions can be judged by their capacity to honor God and provide care for others. The ancient first-century document known as the Didache, or The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles includes this provocative promise: If you are able to bear the Lords yoke in its entirety, you will be perfect.
This is the Christ-lens through which Christians are called to look at all of life!
Source: http://www.Words of Hope