Sen. Franken Prefers Southern Poverty Law Center Bias to Constitution in Nomination Process

Much has been said, and written, about Senator Dianne Feinstein's prejudicial questioning of Notre Dame Professor Amy Coney Barrett in her nomination hearing for 7th Circuit Court of Appeals. But Senator Al Franken's line of questioning was also disconcerting.
Franken used Southern Poverty Law Center's (SPLC) definition of hate to characterize her as extreme. SPLC has designated the work of many Christian organizations as hateful, including Alliance Defending Freedom, with which Barrett was affiliated. ADF has argued many court cases at all levels of our judicial system to protect religious freedoms. The Senator insinuated that Barrett's speaking engagement at an ADF event shows that Barrett is irresponsible.
He wasn't concerned about Barrett's commitment to precedent, nor her personal liberty of religious belief. No, Franken was concerned because Barrett's beliefs are different from his understanding of today's mainstream, liberal culture.
Franken put the SPLC definition of hate above the protection of religious freedom found in our Constitution. This is why we need to pray to uphold the Constitution. Click HERE to download your free resource as you pray. Watch the video exchange with Franken (D-NM) HERE. Senator Barbara Feinstein (D-CA) attempted to discredit Barrett also, attacking her as a fellow woman. Watch the video exchange HERE.
Now is a critical time to pray about our judiciary and the Senate Judiciary Committee. The Judiciary Committee hosts hearings almost every week while in session. President Trump had over 120 federal court judgeships to fill when he was inaugurated. This is significantly more than the previous administration and presents an opportunity to appoint judges who will protect religious freedoms and our Constitution and change the landscape of the federal judiciary.
- Pray for your senators, that they would conduct nomination hearings and debates with humility and fear of God. I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. (1 Timothy 2:1-2) To share your prayers with your senators, follow this link:
- Pray for specific court nominations--may God appoint judges who support the Constitution, the rule of law, and religious freedoms. Blessed are those who act justly, who always do what is right. (Psalm 106:3) Check out the latest list of nominees HERE.
- Pray for President Trump to choose wise judges to dispense true justice in our country and protect our Constitution. Download the free prayer guide, Pray to Uphold the Constitution. This is what the Lord Almighty said: "Administer true justice; show mercy and compassion to one another." (Zechariah 7:9)