Seven Signs You Were a Christian Kid Born in the 90's
Maybe, now that we're all coffee-sipping, iPhone Bible totting, social justice speaking 20-somethings, it's easy to forget any of this happened. So that said, you totally were a child of two decades ago if...
1. You were obsessed with Focus on the Family's "Adventures in Odyssey." Whether it was tuning in to their weekly radio shows or borrowing that six pack of TAPES! from the church library, you were all about it.
2. You read the teen versions of the popular "Left Behind Books." These bad boys clocked in at 150 pages! Nothing like those 400 page chronicles that consumed your parents.
3. You've heard of Mandy. Yeah, you remember her if you liked historical (revisonist) fiction about a 20th century female personality in a 19th century context. Mandy did everything -- interacted with Native Americans, snuck around in the dark, and basically ran the show of the prairie days.
4. You know what purity rings were, well, before, everyone would tell you what exactly they were purifying.
5. You knew CCM Joy Williams before she was Civil Wars Joy Williams. Pretty much the biggest indie cred that your Christian music obsession ever got you.
6. You heard the the Donutman singing about that donut-sized-hole in your heart that Jesus fills so perfectly. Also, in case you forgot, he is holding a donut seed below.
7. Your favorite fashion item was a WWJD bracelet. They were like our generation's Silly Bandz. In all the same electric colors too!