
'She Reads Truth' Draws Massive Following as Women Join to Read Bible Daily

A woman reads from the Book of Joshua during the 27th Annual U.S. Capitol Bible Reading Marathon in Washington, May 2, 2016.
A woman reads from the Book of Joshua during the 27th Annual U.S. Capitol Bible Reading Marathon in Washington, May 2, 2016. | (Photo: Reuters/Kevin Lamarque)

She Reads Truth has grown to become a popular online Christian community, drawing hundreds of thousands of social media followers and bringing women together to read the Bible daily.

"Honestly, we don't feel like we 'launched' She Reads Truth. The Holy Spirit did. We're still just trying to keep up!" Amanda Bible Williams, chief content officer of She Reads Truth whose maiden name really is Bible, told The Christian Post.

The online devotional community began in 2012 by a small group of women connected primarily through the internet who sought to create a network to promote regular Bible reading.

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Williams told CP that the origins of the online network centered on wanting to create "direction, accountability, and encouragement."

Amanda Bible Williams, chief content officer of the woman-centered devotional company She Reads Truth.
Amanda Bible Williams, chief content officer of the woman-centered devotional company She Reads Truth. | (Photo: Brooke Boling)

Part of this process for accountability in reading the Bible together and sharing scriptural thoughts included the creation of the Twitter hashtag #SheReadsTruth.

"A handful of internet friends quickly became a thriving, growing community of women from around the country and the world," said Williams.

She Reads Truth's social media presence is a strong one. As of Tuesday, their Twitter handle has over 44,000 followers, their Facebook page has approximately 157,000 likes, and their Instagram page has more than 620,000 followers.

Williams told CP that she believed this considerable growth had less to do with "some savvy marketing or business strategy" and more to do with "simplicity" and "design."

"The simplicity of our mission and aim frees women to engage with our community, knowing that Scripture will always be our primary reason for gathering," explained Williams.

"The other honest answer is design. Our content and creative teams create truly beautiful, superbly designed images, apps, and books for the community. Their talent, and their dedication to honoring God with excellent work, is second to none."

In addition to an online presence, She Reads Truth released a devotional Bible in April that includes a reading plan, detailed maps, and supplemental readings to help with context.

"Our heart for the She Reads Truth Bible is not to add to or improve on the perfect and complete gift of Scripture God has given us," noted the devotional Bible's website.

"Rather, our heart is for everything we've included in this Bible to point back to God and His Word. Every human word and element in this book is an intentional invitation for you to both read Scripture and grow in your affection for it."

Williams explained to CP that they released the devotional Bible because they felt there was a need to create one centered on women that "was both beautifully and excellently designed."

"Devotional Bibles did not offer tools for reading and understanding that our readers desired, while study Bibles often felt too intimidating for those encountering Scripture for the first time," said Williams.

"The She Reads Truth Bible was designed with our 'shes' in mind. It is smart, inviting, and engaging, and we believe it lends the already-beautiful gospel the aesthetic beauty it deserves."

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