Son of TBN Founder Paul Crouch Jr. Joins Impact Network

Some two years after he was fired by the Word Network, which is described as the "largest African-American religious network in the world," for "numerous violations of corporate policy and misconduct," Paul Crouch Jr., the eldest son of the late TBN founder Paul Crouch Sr., has landed a job at the Impact Television Network.
The Impact Television Network, which competes with the Word Network in the urban Christian market, announced Crouch as a new hire on Tuesday but wasn't specific about the role he would play at the company.
"We're excited about Paul Crouch Jr. bringing his many years of expertise and relationships over to the Impact Network," Bishop Wayne T. Jackson, president of the Impact Network, said. "We know our programming empowers the community we serve."
Some three months after interviewing then presidential candidate Donald Trump in September 2016 to help him reach black voters, Jackson announced that he was "blessed" by media giant Comcast with access to lucrative markets of black Americans on the East and West Coasts that were previously the domain of The Word Network.
The Word Network said in a release that when they inquired about why they were being dropped by key markets and replaced by Impact Television Network, Jennifer Gaiski, senior vice president of content acquisition, responded by saying, "because we are Comcast, and we can."
When The Christian Post contacted the company however a representative said they were replacing the Word Network with Jackson's Impact Television Network because the Impact Network offers more variety in its programming.
"We've been told that there are certain states that will still be carrying it (The Word Network) and they made the decision that the Impact channel has a broader array of programming, and so they opted to drop The Word channel and replace it with the Impact channel in certain markets," the representative said.
In a statement on his hiring by the Impact Network, Crouch said he believes his parents are cheering him on from Heaven.
"My parents dedicated their entire lives to Christian television and took Mark 16:15 literally. 'Go into all the world and preach the Good News.' I truly believe that both of them are looking over the balcony of Heaven saying, 'Don't stop, keep going forward, there's so much more to accomplish.' I am honored to bring some of my expertise and experience to the Impact Network. Together we are going to create life changing programming, bringing hope and healing to a hurting world," Crouch said.
The Impact Network reaches some 82 million homes in the U.S. including Puerto Rico and several countries in Africa as well as Canada.
The Impact Network says they aim to provide exceptional Christian and educational programming that empowers the spiritual, physical, financial and emotional needs of their audience.
The network line-up includes television ministries by Jackson, Creflo Dollar, Bishop TD Jakes, Bishop IV Hilliard, and Bishop Charles Blake. The network also airs original programming like, "The National Action Network 'Live' with the Rev. Al Sharpton," "The Rainbow Push Coalition 'Live' with Rev. Jesse Jackson," "At Three with Dr. Juanita Bynum," and "The Jewel Tankard Show," among others.