Spring Forth and Find Life's Joy
Fall back. Spring forward
It took me years to get that straight, which as you can imagine, often resulted in my being embarrassingly late or comically early.
Thankfully, I've gotten Daylight Saving Time all worked out, and like many of you, recently replaced one less hour of sleep with one extra cup of coffee, and am now sufficiently adjusted to the return of early morning light.
Just in time for spring.
Living in Minneapolis, Minnesota I can tell you spring in this part of the country is glorious. Though historically one of the snowiest months of the year, March is also a month of great anticipation for northerners like me. Spring is when we shed the parkas, mittens, snow boots and bold north proclamations, and welcome a massive and much awaited thaw, throwing open windows and savoring the promises held in the fresh spring air.
As buds break open and leaves fill winter's barren branches, I'm reminded of three parables Jesus spoke in Matthew Chapter 13; the seed that fell on good soil and produced a hundred times what was sown, the parable of the mustard seed, the smallest of seeds that produced the largest of plants, providing shelter for birds of the air, and the parable of the good seed that persevered and produced a harvest of wheat despite the presence of weeds.
As the earth awakens from its winter slumber, I'm reminded of all that God has placed in the earth; seed, time and harvest – and the cycles and rhythms divinely set in motion from the beginning of time.
As the first crocuses appear, then daffodils and tulips, I'm reminded that spring is a time of awakening, renewal, and joy. A time to realize hidden possibilities. A time to start fresh. A time to begin again. A time to blossom and grow.
What a wonderful metaphor for life!
And so as we enter into this new season, much like once dormant seeds hidden under winter's frost, I encourage you to begin again. Start anew and bloom where you are planted. Stand tall and reach toward the sun. Allow yourself the gift of time and process to take as much time as you need to emerge, one gentle push, one fragrant inspiration at a time.
No matter our variation or hue, life gives us all inspiration to go, do and be.
It's time to nurture our selves and others, one petal, one leaf, one bud, one seed, one spout at a time.
So immerse yourself. Evolve slowly, assuredly, knowing it all works out in the end. We are all destined to be unique and distinctive blooms, each of us possessing unique gifts and abilities. As we gather in our gardens, if we are ever to find joy in life, we must be true to who we are.
Though the process of life may sometimes be difficult or uncertain, it is possible for outcomes to outweigh the unknown. We just have to have the courage and faith of a mustard seed to persevere; to expand, to reach for more. Or sometimes, all that courage and faith require us to do is just be.
This spring, bloom where you are planted. Allow your roots to sink deep into life's soil. Be all that God created you to be.
Persevere and find the joy.