
'Star Wars Battlefront 2' News: Learn More About Some of the Upcoming Game's Featured Heroes and Villains

Heroes and villains will possess special abilities that distinguish them from many of the other characters in the game

The forces of light and darkness will be at odds once again inside "Star Wars Battlefront 2" and leading the charge for the opposing sides are the featured heroes and villains.

Beginning with those who are designated as the heroes in the game, Rey figures to be one of the more skilled combatants included in the roster.

Rey can use the Dash Strike, a move that highlights her quickness and incredible ability to wield the lightsaber. If players are having trouble catching their opponents off guard, they can then use Rey's Mind Trick to briefly keep them in check. She also has the Insight ability which allows her to sense which enemies are located nearby.

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Next up is Luke Skywalker, an adept user of the Force and expert wielder of the lightsaber. His abilities are named simply but they can be very effective. Luke's Push ability causes opponents to be forced back, while he can use Rush to speed up and attack them. His last ability is Repulse and this is used best when a bunch of enemies are in the area.

Moving on now to some "Star Wars Battlefront 2" characters who cannot exactly be described as the good guys, Darth Vader is one of them, and he is quite powerful.

Vader has one of the more interesting ability sets in the game. His Focused Rage powers him up significantly and allows him to dish out more punishment while also becoming capable of absorbing more hits as well. The Saber Throw is pretty self-explanatory but painful nonetheless, and fans are likely going to use his Force Choke a lot inside the game.

Emperor Palpatine is one more villain in the game, and he makes good use of Force lightning. With Chain Lightning, the Emperor can hit multiple enemies quickly and his Electrocute ability can immobilize other characters. The Emperor's Dark Aura is particularly difficult to deal with it as it slows down and damages enemies unfortunate enough to be caught up in it.

Fans will be able to take control of Rey, Luke, Vader and the Emperor inside "Star Wars Battlefront 2" as soon as the game is released on Nov. 17.

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